Friday, May 29, 2020

Elon Musk mocked after Starship explosion: ‘Maybe have NASA handle rockets' 

May 29, 2020 Bob Brigham

Billionaire Elon Musk was the target of jokes on Twitter after his company SpaceX suffered a rocket explosion.

“SpaceX just experienced the biggest explosion yet at its Texas site, where it’s testing prototypes for a Mars rocket,” Marina Koren of The Atlantic reported.

“A resident who lives nearby—just 2 miles away—said it felt like an earthquake,” she added.
Elon, your rocket just blew up.
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) May 29, 2020

Musk was ridiculed following the blast. Here’s some of what people were saying:

When you realize your wallet was on the rocket
— Harrison (@harriweinreb) May 29, 2020

Elon Musk has now exploded 4 of his Starship rocket prototypes. If he explodes 2 more he gets the 7th one free
— Chloé Cunha (@ChloeCunha) May 29, 2020

Imagine being a SpaceX/NASA astronaut that’s scheduled for lift off tomorrow and watching this happen today. That’s gotta be a different kind of anxiety.

(this is a prototype rocket and not the one in use tomorrow, but still
— Pablo Escobarner (blue check) (@PabloEscobarner) May 29, 2020

Elon’s rocket doing a flawless impression of the Minneapolis 3rd precinct
— Fairy Gothmother (@jenny2x4) May 29, 2020

something beautiful about a police precinct and an Elon Musk hobby rocket going up in smoke within 24 hrs of each other ♥️
— "Craven piece of garbage" – Glenn Greenwald (@f_a_r_t_s) May 29, 2020

Time for Elon Musk to admit he sucks at rockets. Maybe go work at a Costco.
— comrade ahli cake ☭ (@ahlicake) May 29, 2020

Elon Musk destroys rocket in solidarity with protestors
— dan wickes (@dan_wickes) May 29, 2020

For the millionth time Elon Musk is an incompetent grifter, just pay NASA please.
— hypnotransgirl 𒀭𒈹𒍠𒊩 (@hypnotransgirl) May 29, 2020

Maybe have NASA handle rockets instead of paying some dickhead middle man.
— Dave "Alive" Anthony (@daveanthony) May 29, 2020

  1. *pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.

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