Saturday, May 30, 2020

Trump threatens protesters with dogs, says Secret Service eager to attack, calls on MAGA supporters

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Saturday May 30, 2020

When Donald Trump declared himself a wartime president, most Americans probably didn’t realize he meant he was declaring war on them.

Last night protests over the cold-blooded police murder of George Floyd erupted in D.C., with protesters marching around the White House to express their anger. Secret Service agents were dispatched to cordon off the perimeter of the People’s House, enforcing a “lockdown” just inside its gates. Apparently Trump and his minions were peering out the windows, like rats holed up in their bunker. Today, Trump Tweeted out his praise of this taxpayer-funded protective cocoon spun around him, mocked and threatened the protesters, and summoned his hateful followers to assault them this evening.

From the New York Times:

A day after claiming he didn’t mean to suggest that law enforcement officials should shoot people who were part of the unrest in Minnesota, President Trump said on Saturday that the Secret Service had been prepared to sic the “most vicious dogs” on protesters outside the White House gates on Friday night.

For those who may have been concerned about Trump’s personal safety, he emphatically reassured them that he “couldn’t have felt more safe.” He also painted the Secret Service as his own personal Einsatzgruppen, claiming they were essentially straining at the leash to kill those Americans exercising their right to protest outside the White House.

Trump claimed that Secret Service agents told him they were clamoring for engagement with the protesters. “We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and good practice,” he claimed he had been told.
Finally, in a final act of thumbing his nose from behind his protective walls, Trump called on his Neo-Nazi supporters to join the protests this evening. The clear implication is that he wanted to see blood spilled.

He also appeared to invite his own supporters to amass outside the White House on Saturday to counter the protesters, despite a ban against gatherings of more than 10 people in effect in Washington amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???” he tweeted.

If this country is to survive, this monster needs to go.

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