Saturday, May 30, 2020

Viral photo shows line of w
hite people WOMEN 
between police, black protesters at Thursday rally

A photo from Thursday night's protest in downtown Louisville appears to show a line of white women, arms locked, standing between Louisville Metro Police officers and black protesters.

© Tim Druck A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

It quickly went viral, shared on social media by organizations like the Kentucky National Organization for Women, where it was shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook.

"This is a line of white people forming a barrier between Black protesters and the police. This is love. This is what you do with your privilege," the post states.

Tim Druck, a Louisville photographer, captured the moment at the rally, where people called for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor, who was shot in her apartment in March by Louisville police during a no-knock warrant.

Druck, who showed up to take photos of the protest around 9 p.m. Thursday, said a small police presence arrived to block off intersections downtown as the crowd grew.

According to Druck, Chanelle Helm, a lead organizer for Black Lives Matter Louisville, said to white protesters using a bullhorn: "If you are going to be here, you should defend this space,” and instructed people to form the line facing police at 6th and Jefferson streets.

"She was asking for white folks to use their privilege, and put their bodies between police and the other demonstrators," Druck said. "And people responded. They didn’t, they didn't need to be convinced. Everybody willingly and enthusiastically did it."

"She was asking for white folks to use their privilege, and put their bodies between police and the other demonstrators," Druck said. "And people responded. They didn’t, they didn't need to be convinced. Everybody willingly and enthusiastically did it."

Druck snapped one quick photo with his iPhone, which went viral on social media, and another with his Nikon, to capture the striking moment.

As a "Girl Dad," Druck said he was proud to see the line of women at the protest, where his wife and daughter were also in attendance. 

Kentucky National Organization for WomenToday 

Kentucky National Organization for Women May 28 at 8:55 PM ·

6th and Jefferson in Louisville. This is a line of white people forming a barrier between Black protestors and the police. This is love. This is what you do with your privilege. #NoJusticeNoPeace #SayHerName #BreonnaTaylor
Photo credit: Tim Druck

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