Tuesday, June 02, 2020

1960s segregationist George Wallace would ‘smile’ at seeing Trump teargas protesters for a photo op: CNN’s Bakari Sellers

June 2, 2020 By Brad Reed

CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers said on Tuesday that watching President Donald Trump teargas a group of peaceful protesters so that he could have a photo opportunity reminded him of something he’d see segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace do.

“Yesterday, the president of the United States used teargas, he used the military against peaceful protesters,” Sellers said. “The the only thing I could think of is George Wallace is looking over him with a smile.”

Sellers then said he was “thoroughly pissed off” at conservative evangelicals who are remaining silent even as Trump continues to pour gasoline on the fire of racism while wrapping himself in the flag and the cross.

Host Alisyn Camerota, meanwhile, remarked that Trump’s photo op at St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C. wasn’t even very compelling.

“The optics, the visuals, the symbolism yesterday of what happened was just so strange on every level,” she said. “I actually see police also using their baton against some of the protesters so that the president and his attorney general and his family and Ivanka, in her heels and big designer bag, could cross the street and the president could — could try to figure out how to hold a Bible… I mean, has anyone ever looked more uncomfortable holding a Bible?”

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