Saturday, June 27, 2020

A dereliction of duty: Bombshell NYT report reveals the Trump-Russia story is far from over

By Terry H. Schwadron, DCReport @ RawStory - Commentary
on June 27, 2020

The news late yesterday was chilling: Russians have been paying Taliban militants to kill Americans in Afghanistan even as peace talks with the Taliban were under way, intelligence sources told The New York Times.

And Donald Trump has known about this intelligence since the beginning of March and has done nothing about it.

Actually, the more you roll this disclosure over in your mind, the worse it gets.

Protecting U.S. troops is Job One for any president, but particularly this one who insists on its primacy. And he isn’t doing his job to protect our sons and daughters in the field.

This alone should be an impeachable offense

But it says more, much more about Trump’s turn away from real world problems that affect the rest of us, from pandemic to income inequality to racism. Thanks to coronavirus and joblessness, the disclosure wasn’t even considered the most important news of the day.

The Times said U.S intelligence has evidence that a Russian military spy unit has been paying Islamic militants linked to the Taliban to target Americans and other coalition troops. Just why Russia is doing this remains murky: Perhaps Russia wanted to break up peace talks with violence against Americans, perhaps it was in retaliation for a U.S. attack in Syria that unintentionally killed Russian soldiers.

Whatever it was or is, no one knows how many of the 20 Americans killed last year in Afghanistan were targeted this way. It’s a different picture than Trump appearing with U.S. troops for a celebratory photo.

What we do know is that U.S. troops were attacked and we did nothing about it.

Military Rift with Trump
The disclosure emerged as The United States was finally telling British allies about it this week. Does that mean that the United States officially was withholding these developments from allies – another abridgment of presidential duty or at least moral responsibility?

Is this not an escalation of anti-American, anti-allied interests at a time when we’re talking about pulling troops from Europe?

That normally closed-mouth U.S. defense and intelligence folks would discuss this with these reporters who cover these areas seems a direct reflection of the growing rift with Trump over national security policy-making. According to The Times, military officials offered a range of anti-Russia alternatives in March, and Trump has sat on them.
For the United States apparently to do nothing at all is stunning all by itself.

We’ve seen the White House interfere with the military hierarchy over assignment and promotion of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who spoke out after Trump’s impeachable blackmail attempts of the Ukraine president. We’ve seen Trump moving to manipulate military justice courts in the cases involving former SEAL Edward Gallagher and the Navy captain who tried to help a virused crew.

We’ve seen the generals increasingly willing to split publicly with Trump, and Trump, in turn, insulting and belittling people like James Mattis, the former secretary of defense, John Kelly Jr., the former chief of staff and others. Only Trump himself knows the answers on foreign policy.

Except on issues involving Russia, and once again, we find ourselves scratching the head wondering whether Trump is not acting here— even issuing some formal knock-it-off message to the Kremlin out of some long, never-fully-disclosed loyalty to the Kremlin.

With the extraordinary Trump administration effort this week to overturn criminal charges against the twice-admitted liar Michael T. Flynn, unsubstantiated “treason” calls against former President Barack Obama, we find ourselves still steeped in the Trump-Russia question.

Where’s the Tough?Quite to the contrary of Trump’s self-proclaimed toughness on Russia, we are hearing of Trump’s maneuvering to get Russian leader Vladimir Putin back into the Group of Eight meetings. There is no more talk of sanctions against Russia–only acquiescence to Russian control of Syria, an acceptance of ending Russia nuclear weapons treaties, a proposed withdrawal of American troops from Europe and constant diminution of NATO. Russia is still in the Ukraine, Russia is still supporting Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, Russia is still reportedly active in seeking to disrupt U.S. elections.

Where is the Trump toughness?

Yes, we’ve had a pandemic, an economic tsunami and seen widespread protests for social justice. But Trump has found time for anti-immigration moves and an attack on the U.S. health system along with personal promotion, campaign rallies and golf.

You think he could spend a few minutes on protecting Americans in uniform?

We’re seeing that the need to declare Afghanistan over, when it is not, in time for the Trump re-election campaign apparently outweighs the lives of our troops.

So long as you are there, do your job, Donald Trump.

Ambassador McFaul reveals damning flaw in the White House denial over Trump’s latest Russia scandal

Published on June 27, 2020By Bob Brigham

Former Obama administration Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul offered his analysis on Saturday after the White House finally responded to the bombshell New York Times report that Russia had put bounties on U.S. troops serving in Afghanistan.

“The White House denied President Trump had been briefed on U.S. intelligence that reportedly determined Russia offered secret bounties to kill U.S. troops,” the Washington Examiner reported Saturday. “Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, issued a statement soon after presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden castigated Trump for reportedly taking no retaliatory action.”

“The United States receives thousands of intelligence reports a day, and they are subject to strict scrutiny. While the White House does not routinely comment on alleged intelligence or internal deliberations, the CIA director, national security adviser, and the chief of staff can all confirm that neither the president nor the vice president were briefed on the alleged Russian bounty intelligence,” McEnany claimed in a statement.

NN analyst and Russia expert Bianna Golodryga, who was born in the USSR, was perplexed by the statement.

“Why on earth would the [White House] wait 24 hours to respond with this given how damning the story is?” she wondered.

Ambassador McFaul, who also worked for the National Security Council, had his own question.

“And, if true, why on earth was the president not briefed on his intelligence?” McFaul asked.

The scandal has blown up since the NYT report, which The Washington Post confirmed. On Saturday, “Traitor Trump” and “TRE45ON” trended nationwide on Twitter.

And, if true, why on earth was the president not briefed on his intelligence?
— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) June 27, 2020

I am really outraged by Trump's indifference to Putin paying Taliban terrorists to kill American soldiers. I can't imagine my anger if one of my sons were deployed in Afghanistan right now.
— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) June 27, 2020

Im not a lawyer. But I hope the American people will be as outraged as I am over Trump's complacency. After he knew about these Putin-ordered contracts to kill US soldiers, Trump invited Putin to the G-7! What… the… hell !
— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) June 27, 2020

Marine in Congress chokes up apologizing to troops for Trump: ‘I’m so sorry this man is your president’
June 27, 2020 By Bob Brigham

Rep. Ruben Gallego choked up on Saturday while apologizing to members of the U.S. military during an appearance on MSNBC.

Gallego was interviewed by MSNBC’s Lindsey Reiser about the blockbuster New York Times story that Russia was offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops — with President Donald Trump doing nothing in response.

“You’re a veteran, what’s your reaction to this?” Reiser asked the Marine veteran.

“It’s heartbreaking,” Gallego replied.

“I remember being a young guy in Iraq, sometimes feeling abandoned by my government. And right now, there’s a young man or woman in Afghanistan that’s reading this and what are they feeling?” he wondered. “Their own president is hanging them out to dry for some reason, some obsession for Putin.”

“I want to apologize to all of our members of the military, I’m so sorry this man is your president,” Gallego said. “This is not how it should be.”


#TraitorTrump and ‘TRE45ON’ trend nationwide as outrage grows: ‘The biggest scandal Trump has faced’

June 27, 2020 By Bob Brigham

President Donald Trump was greeted with outrage on Twitter after returning to the White House from a day of golfing.

The hashtags #TraitorTrump, #TrumpTreason and #TraitorInChief all trended nationwide on Twitter on Saturday. The phrase “TRE45ON” also trended, with the letters “a” and “s” replaced by the number 45, as Trump is America’s forty-fifth president.

Here’s some of the commentary on the bombshell New York Times report that Russia put bounties on US troops in Afghanistan — and Trump did nothing in response:

Everyone in this picture is a patriot, with one exception. @realDonaldTrump apparently knew Putin paid bounties to militants to kill US troops & POTUS did nothing. Actually, it was worse than nothing. Trump last month invited Putin to the G7 summit. Traitorous behavior by Trump.

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) June 27, 2020

Wow. @realDonaldTrump put his relationship to Putin ahead of the lives of American soldiers. So he’s not only an incompetent, ignorant, misogynistic, sociopathic, lying racist, he flat out committed treason.
— Ken Olin (@kenolin1) June 27, 2020

Two days ago, Trump laid a wreath at a memorial to American war dead while doing nothing about Russia paying insurgents to kill Americans.
His presidency is a disgrace to anyone who has ever served this country. #TraitorTrump
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) June 27, 2020

Trump could literally go on Fox News, reveal top secret locations of Navy Seals on camera which leads to the Russians killing them and Republicans would still support Trump.#Traitors #TraitorTrump
— Jack (@jackresists) June 27, 2020

Raise your hand if you committed treason by allowing Russia to place a bounty on American troops.#TraitorTrump
— AKA Donald J. Trump (@AKADonaldTrump) June 27, 2020

Trump will try to distract the Russia and #TraitorTrump story by tomorrow or Monday. We will fall for it but I hope people don't forget this man sold out the lives of US soldiers.
— Wajahat "Wears a Mask Because of a Pandemic" Ali (@WajahatAli) June 27, 2020

In this photo, #TraitorTrump salutes a West Point cadet ***knowing that he might send this young man off to die in Afghanistan with the help of his good friend Putin*** (whom he believes over anything US intelligence says).
— Grant Stern (@grantstern) June 27, 2020

Donald only protects troops who are made of metal or stone — and fought for the other side. #TraitorTrump
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) June 27, 2020

While Trump was committing treason he was defending statues of traitors. #TraitorTrump
— Tim Hannan (@TimHannan) June 27, 2020

Trump is a traitor. He is not worth the blood my son left in Afghanistan. #TraitorTrump I have a shirt with a bullet hole I’d like to show all his defenders. I don’t have a big accountbut if any of you do, please retweet.
— Maria Lamping (@maria_lamping) June 27, 2020

The president is a traitor. Who will stand up for our troops? Who will stand up for America?
— Bob Driehaus (@BobDriehaus) June 27, 2020

A white supremacist, a sex offender, and a traitor walk into a bar. The bartender says "What'll it be, President Trump?"#TraitorTrump
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) June 27, 2020

I'm no historical expert on Presidents James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, generally regarded as the worst before Trump came along, but I'm pretty sure neither was compromised by a hostile foreign power. #TRE45ON
— Zach Wolfe (@zachwolfelaw) June 27, 2020

#TRE45ON The U.S. Commander in Chief learned that Putin put a BOUNTY on American troops and then gave Putin the highest honor possible by inviting him to be his personal guest at the G-7

— Venture Capital (@kelly2277) June 27, 2020

Another example of how this man is destroying our country!! To his supporters… Look beyond your politics. Do you want to blindly stand with this man after he is willing to betray the men and women who sacrifice for all of us!!#TRE45ON #TraitorTrump
— Jason Lewis (@JasonLewis) June 27, 2020

Keep it going. #TRE45ON
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) June 27, 2020

The perfect hashtag for Trump’s legacy: #TRE45ON
— Roland Scahill (@rolandscahill) June 27, 2020

— Ken Olin (@kenolin1) June 27, 2020

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
Article III, Section 3
US Constitution
FACT: Trump both adhered to our enemies (Russia and Afghan rebels) and gave aid to them.
— Dr. Jack Brown (@DrGJackBrown) June 27, 2020

Donald Trump committed treason.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) June 27, 2020

Trump knew for 3 months that Russia was trying to kill US troops in Afghanistan and he said nothing.
He literally acted faster to save the statues of Confederate traitors than American lives. #TraitorTrump
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) June 27, 2020

Last November, Trump used the returning caskets of servicemen killed in Aghanistan as props for a photo op.
This year, he did nothing as Russia paid to have their fellow soldiers killed. #TraitorTrump
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) June 27, 2020

That Russia paid the Taliban to kill US soldiers – then, after CIA told Trump, he *did nothing* but try to reward Russia by bringing them into the G7 – is the biggest story in decades. It doesnt matter what Putin has on Trump. He's a traitor. He deserves prison, not reelection.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) June 27, 2020

Donald Trump is a Russian asset.
— (@MeidasTouch) June 27, 2020

#ThisIsMyAmerica This servicemember has the heart of a younger generation that knows #BlackLivesMatter as much as white lives do! So many young people hurt to see what #TraitorTrump has done to America. We need young voters to #VoteBiden
Wait for it…
— Truth Matters (@TruthsOverTrump) June 27, 2020

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