Sunday, June 07, 2020

Beyond Imported Magic Essays on Science, Technology, and Society in Latin America

 edited by Eden Medina, Ivan da Costa Marques, and Christina Holmes 
 with a foreword by Marcos Cueto


 Foreword by Marcos Cueto vii

 Preface xi

1 Introduction: Beyond Imported Magic 1
 Eden Medina, Ivan da Costa Marques, and Christina Holmes
Part I: Latin American Perspectives on Science, Technology, and Society

2 Who Invented Brazil? 27
 Henrique Cukierman

3 Innovation and Inclusive Development in the South: A Critical Perspective 47
 Mariano Fressoli, Rafael Dias, and Hern á n Thomas

4 Working with Care: Narratives of Invisible Women Scientists Practicing Forensic
Genetics in Colombia 67
 Tania P é rez-Bustos, Mar í a Fernanda Olarte Sierra, and Adriana D í az del Castillo H.

5 Ontological Politics and Latin American Local Knowledges 85
 Ivan da Costa Marques

6 Technology in an Expanded Field: A Review of History of Technology
Scholarship on Latin America in Selected English-Language Journals 111
 Michael Lemon and Eden Medina

Part II: Local and Global Networks of Innovation

7 South Atlantic Crossings: Fingerprints, Science, and the State in
Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Argentina 139
 Julia Rodriguez 
8 Tropical Assemblage: The Soviet Large Panel in Cuba 159
 Hugo Palmarola and Pedro Ignacio Alonso
9 Balancing Design: OLPC Engineers and ICT Translations at the Periphery 181
 Anita Say Chan
10 Translating Magic: The Charisma of One Laptop per Child ’ s XO Laptop in
Paraguay 207
 Morgan G. Ames
11 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: How an Emerging Area on the Scientific
Agenda of the Core Countries Has Been Adopted and Transformed in Latin
America 225
 Noela Invernizzi, Matthieu Hubert, and Dominique Vinck
12 Latin America as Laboratory: The Camera and the Yale Peruvian
Expeditions 245
 Amy Cox Hall
Part III: Science, Technology, and Latin American Politics
13 Bottling Atomic Energy: Technology, Politics, and the State in Peronist
Argentina 267
 Jonathan Hagood
14 Peaceful Atoms in Mexico 287
 Gisela Mateos and Edna Su á rez-D í az
15 Neoliberalism as Political Technology: Expertise, Energy, and Democracy in
Chile 305
 Manuel Tironi and Javiera Barandiar á n
16 Creole Interferences: A Conflict over Biodiversity and Ownership in the South
of Brazil 331
 Ana Delgado and Israel Rodr í guez-Giralt
17 The Juridical Hospital: Patient-Citizen-Consumers Claiming the Right to Health
in Brazilian Courts 349
 Jo ã o Biehl

 Contributors 373 

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