Monday, June 29, 2020

  • Bolivia's coup

    Renaud Lambert
    Wednesday 10 June 2020. The New York Times has finally refuted the hypothesis that Evo Morales committed electoral fraud, which served to justify Bolivia's coup d'état last November. This was a theory that the NYT itself was happy to propagate only months ago. Few media outlets have continued to follow the developments in Bolivia, as Latin America only exists for the Western press when it can be used as a weapon of domestic policy. Earlier this year, a study from the Massachusett s Institute of Technology found that Bolivia's right-wing coup was based on faulty data from the Organisation of American States (OAS). As Renaud Lambert wrote in our December issue, when Morales was declared the winner of October's election the OAS, 'the US's strong arm in the region, entered the frame and soon became a key actor in a crisis it claimed to be just observing.'

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