Friday, June 12, 2020

Days before Trump rally in Tulsa, city’s Whirlpool plant closes for COVID-19 outbreak

Mike Stunson,Sacramento Bee•June 12, 2020

Days before Trump rally in Tulsa, city’s Whirlpool plant closes for COVID-19 outbreak
A Whirlpool plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has temporarily closed due to a coronavirus outbreak one week before President Donald Trump will visit the city for a rally.

The factory employs more than 1,600 workers, though it’s not clear how many have been infected with COVID-19, according to KOTV.

Whirlpool plans to re-open early next week and contact tracing will be done on the infected employees, the company said, according to KTUL.

“Any individuals who come in close contact with diagnosed employees have been notified and have been quarantined,” Whirlpool stated, KOKI reported. “The plant is regularly cleaned per CDC guidelines and will be cleaned again before re-opening.”

The factory had already been social distancing on its production lines and employees were required to wear masks and have their temperatures taken, according to KOTV.

There have been 1,372 confirmed coronavirus cases in Tulsa County, its health department reports, as of Thursday, June 11. The county reported just eight new COVID-19 cases Sunday, but the number jumped to 65 on Monday. There were 47 cases Tuesday and 64 on Wednesday, the health department reported.

Tulsa County now has its highest seven-day average of coronavirus cases since the outbreak began in March, according to the health department.

Trump will visit Tulsa on June 19 for his first rally in months. His re-election campaign will require supporters going to his rally to sign a coronavirus disclaimer in order to attend.

All attendees “assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19” and agree to not hold the campaign liable for any illness or injury.

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