Friday, June 05, 2020

Hitler's Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich 

by Richard Weikart (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition


"Atheists who claim that Hitler was a Christian will be sorely disappointed by this excellent and well documented book. It clearly shows the anti-Christian nature of Hitler’s ideology and religious beliefs. Given today’s culture wars it is essential reading for all Christians and anyone interested in knowing the truth about National Socialism."
— IRVING HEXHAM, professor of religious studies, University of Calgary, and author of Understanding World Religions

"This fascinating and elegantly written new book will challenge scholars to rethink existing interpretations of 'Hitler’s Religion.' In ten well-researched and tightly argued chapters, Weikart shows that Hitler was neither an atheist, a Christian, nor an occultist. Rather, he marshals convincing evidence that Hitler was a pantheist who embraced a brutal, Darwinian religion of nature."
— DR. ERIC KURLANDER, professor of modern European history, Stetson University, and author of Living with Hitler and (forthcoming) Nazi Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich

"Many prominent Western intellectuals have dispensed with the view that humans are created in the image of God and thus have immeasurable value and inalienable rights,’ writes Professor Weikart. In my four decades of speaking in university open forums, I have witnessed the logical consequences of this belief that humanity is a cosmic accident: wherever I go I meet student after student troubled by haunting questions of meaning and purpose. Weikart demonstrates the impoverishment of philosophies that reject the Judeo-Christian worldview—but ‘still retain some of the vestiges of the Judeo-Christian morality that they claim to spurn'—and shows how Christianity uniquely makes sense of our questions of meaning, purpose, morality, and dignity. His book [The Death of Humanity] will sober and challenge you."
— RAVI ZACHARIAS, speaker and author of Why Jesus? Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality, and other books

From the Inside Flap

The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich

For a man whom history can never forget, Adolf Hitler remains a persistent mystery on one front—his religious faith. Atheists tend to insist Hitler was a devout Christian. Christians counter that he was an atheist. And still others suggest that he was a practicing member of the occult.

None of these theories is true, says historian Richard Weikart. Delving more deeply into the question of Hitler’s religious faith than any researcher to date, Weikart reveals the startling and fascinating truth about the most hated man of the twentieth century: Adolf Hitler was a pantheist who believed nature was the only true "God."

In Hitler’s Religion, Weikart explains how the laws of nature became Hitler’s only moral guide, and why Hitler claimed—even believed—he was serving God by annihilating supposedly "inferior" human beings and promoting the welfare and reproduction of the allegedly superior Aryan race. Like the racist forms of Darwinism prevalent at the time, Hitler’s twisted religion was a direct attack on the Judeo-Christian ethics on which Western civilization is built.

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