Thursday, June 04, 2020

Michele Rigby Assad: "My Secret Life in the CIA" | Talks at Google

•May 10, 2018

Michele Rigby Assad is a former undercover officer in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations. Trained as a counterterrorism specialist, Michele spent over a decade in the agency, leading some of the most highly skilled operatives on the planet, secretly serving in some of the most treacherous areas of the Middle East, and at risk as a target for ISIS. She discusses how she stood out from many of the older white men who excelled at the CIA, and how she used her differences to her advantage. Michele also covers a range of other topics including misconceptions about Middle East, her experience dealing with terrorists, recent shootings in the U.S., and what civilians can do to stay safe. Moderated by Jasmine Jaksic. Get the book:

Former CIA Clandestine Service Officer, writer, and peace activist Amaryllis Fox will join us to discuss her new memoir "A Life Undercover; Coming of Age in the CIA."

The daughter of an English actress and American economist whose work focused on the developing world, Fox spent her childhood traveling the world and coming to terms at an early age with political revolutions and acts of terrorism. These experiences, as well as the brutal and public death of her mentor Daniel Pearl while she was at Oxford, greatly shaped her life. At the age of twenty-one, Fox was recruited to join the CIA. She was fast-tracked into advance operations training, sent from Langley to "the farm," where she lived for six months in a simulated world, learning how to use a Glock, how to withstand torture, and the best ways to commit suicide in the event of capture. Following the training, Fox was deployed as a spy under non-official cover and sent to infiltrate terrorist networks in remote areas of the Middle East and Asia. For the next five years, she worked to stop acts of extreme terrorism and the illegal sale of arms and explosives. Now an advocate of humane engagement and strategic nonviolence at home and overseas, Fox's story offers a unique insight into the secretive world of the CIA as well as how to promote peace around the world. SPEAKER Amaryllis Fox Former CIA Clandestine Service Officer, Writer & Peace Activist

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