Sunday, June 07, 2020

Modernity and Technology 
edited by Thomas J. Misa, Philip Brey, and Andrew Feenberg

The volume draws on an international workshop held at the University of Twente in the Netherlands in November 1999, which brought together a diverse group of scholars from the communities of modernity studies (philosophy, cultural studies, and social theory) and technology studies (history, sociology, anthropology); see twente/ . This workshop was made possible by financial support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (grant SES-9900894), the University of Twente, and the Dutch Graduate School for Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC). Our collective efforts to understand technology and modernity go back to a seminar series that Pieter Tijmes, Johan Schot, and Tom Misa organized at Twente in the spring of 1997. At Twente we would especially like to thank Gerdien Linde-de Ruiter for a thousand small acts of kindness and assistance in planning and preparing the workshop, as well as the friendly and expert assistance of Femke Merkx in conducting the workshop. Many workshop participants freely shared their own ongoing research and reflections, giving our authors invaluable insights.

Acknowledgments vii
Workshop Participants ix
1 The Compelling Tangle of Modernity and Technology 1
Thomas J. Misa
I Modernity Theory and Technology Studies
2 Theorizing Modernity and Technology 33
Philip Brey
3 Modernity Theory and Technology Studies: Reflections on Bridging
the Gap 73
Andrew Feenberg
4 Critical Theory, Feminist Theory, and Technology Studies 105
Barbara L. Marshall
II Technologies of Modernity
5 Modernity under Construction: Building the Internet in
Trinidad 139
Don Slater
6 Surveillance Technology and Surveillance Society 161
David Lyon
7 Infrastructure and Modernity: Force, Time, and Social Organization
in the History of Sociotechnical Systems 185
Paul N. Edwards
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vi Contents
8 Creativity of Technology: An Origin of Modernity? 227
Junichi Murata
III Changing Modernist Regimes
9 The Contested Rise of a Modernist Technology Politics 257
Johan Schot
10 Technology, Medicine, and Modernity: The Problem of
Alternatives 279
David Hess
11 The Environmental Transformation of the Modern Order 303
Arthur P. J. Mol
12 Technology, Modernity, and Development: Creating Social
Capabilities in a POLIS 327
Haider A. Khan
13 Modernity and Technology—An Afterword 359
Arie Rip

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