Thursday, June 11, 2020

On This Day: U.S. Supreme Court strikes down anti-flag burning law

On June 11, 1990, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an anti-flag-burning law passed by Congress the year before.

In 1776, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman were appointed by the Continental Congress to write a declaration of independence for the American colonies from England.

Aviator Charles Lindbergh appears in the open cockpit of airplane at Lambert Field, in St. Louis, Miss., ca. 1920s. On June 11, 1927, U.S. President Calvin Coolidge welcomed Lindbergh home after the pilot made history's first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, New York to Paris. File Photo by Library of Congress/UPI

In 1927, U.S. President Calvin Coolidge welcomed Charles Lindbergh home after the pilot made history's first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, New York to Paris.
In 1963, for a brief moment, Gov. George Wallace blocked the enrollment of two African-American students to the University of Alabama. His acts of defiance would be short-lived as President John F. Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard, instructing them to end Wallace's blockade of the school.
UPI File Photo
In 1967, protests and violence erupted in Tampa, Fla., after a police officer fatally shot 19-year-old Martin Chambers on suspicion of burglary. The race riots lasted three days, during which multiple businesses burned to the ground and a sheriff's deputy -- Sgt. Don Williams -- died of a heart attack.
In 1967, the Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors ended with a U.N.-brokered cease-fire. The Israeli forces achieved a swift and decisive victory.
In 1994, after 49 years, the Russian military occupation of what had been East Germany ended with the departure of the Red Army from Berlin.

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