Sunday, June 14, 2020

Only one in six say their financial situation improved after three years of Trump: report
Published on June 14, 2020 By Tom Boggioni

According to a report at Bloomberg, few Americans believe their financial situation improved after over three years under the administration of Donald Trump.

The report notes that a survey commissioned by revealed that, “The ‘Trump Bump’ hasn’t benefited most Americans, with fewer than one in six saying their personal finances have improved since Donald Trump became president.”

According to the survey, despite claims from the president that he has led America to its best economy ever, few are reaping the rewards if there are any.

“Almost twice as many respondents said they’re worse off since Trump moved into the White House in January 2017, while about half of the U.S. adults polled, 45%, said their financial situation has stayed about the same, ” the report states before adding, “Groups likely to report doing better under Trump included men, those identifying as white, and those earning $80,000 or more annually

The report does add the caveat that the fall-out from the COVID-19 pandemic is a contributing factor –with millions losing their jobs — bit added that the health crisis is only partly to blame.

“Three out of five of those surveyed said they failed to see any improvement in their personal wealth during Trump’s presidency, even before the coronavirus slammed the U.S., cratered the economy, and ate into stock market gains of the past three years,” Bloomberg reports, adding, “About 42% of those surveyed rated Trump’s overall handling of the economy negatively while 35% say he’s done a good or very good job.”

s for what the future holds, the report adds, “Just 35% of those who say their finances have been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak think their financial situations will improve by November’s election.”

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