Sunday, June 07, 2020

Values to Sustain Human and Natural Communities 

Stephen R. Kellert and James Gustave Speth

Table of Contents
Preface 1
Stephen R. Kellert and James Gustave Speth

The Coming Transformation: Values to Sustain Human
and Natural Communities 4

James Gustave Speth, Sara Shallenberg Brown Professor in the
Practice of Environmental Policy, Yale School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies

A Biocultural Basis for an Environmental Ethic 21
Stephen R. Kellert, Professor of Social Ecology, Yale School of
Forestry & Environmental Studies; Executive Chairman,
Bio­Logical Capital

Transcendency Challenged 39
Richard B. Norgaard, Professor in the Energy and Resources Group,
University of California Berkeley

A Transformational Ecology 64
Jonathan F. P. Rose, President, Jonathan Rose Companies LLC
God Shed His Grace on Thee: Obstacles and Opportunities for a
Polity Respectful of Nature in the United States and Beyond 86
Peter G. Brown, Professor, School of the Environment, Department
of Geography, and Department of Natural Resource Sciences,
McGill University

Planetary Praxis: On Rhyming Hope and History 110
Paul D. Raskin, President and Founder, Tellus Institute

In Pursuit of Sustainability 147
David Grant, President and CEO, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

Values and Ecological Sustainability: Recent Research and
Policy Possibilities 180
Tim Kasser, Professor of Psychology, Knox College

Reductionism and Its Cultural Fallout 205
John R. Ehrenfeld, Senior Research Associate (retired)
MIT Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development

Toward a New Relationship 228
Peter Forbes, Executive Director, Center for Whole Communities

Sustainability in Action: New Thinking and a Better Way 243
Ray C. Anderson, Founder and Chairman, Interface, Inc.

Field Notes on Communication 266
Alison Hawthorne Deming, Professor of Creative Writing,
University of Arizona

What Can the Humanities Contribute to a New Consciousness
in Harmony With Nature? 278
J. Baird Callicott, Regents Professor of Philosophy and
Religion Studies, Institute of Applied Sciences, University
of North Texas

Transforming Religious Discourse: Strategies of Hope 299
Willis Jenkins, Margaret Farley Assistant Professor of Social
Ethics, Yale Divinity School

Religious Transformation in an Ecological Key 327
John Grim, Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar, Yale University

Planetary Awareness,Worldviews and the Conservation of
Biodiversity 353
R.I. Vane­Wright, National Endowment for Science, Technology
and the Arts, London, UK; Durrell Institute of Conservation and
Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, UK; Department of
Entomology, Natural History Museum, London, UK

The Role of the Natural Sciences in Sparking an
Environmental Ethic 383
Carl Safina, President, Blue Ocean Institute and Marah J. Hardt,
Researcher, Writer, and Creative Consultant

The Gaian Generation: A New Approach to Environmental
Learning 407
Mitchell Thomashow, President, Unity College
The Universe Story as a Basis for a Multicultural

Planetary Civilization 428
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Senior Research Scholar and Senior Lecturer,
Yale University, and Brian Swimme, Faculty, California Institute
of Integral Studies

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