Thursday, July 16, 2020

Jordan ‘dissolves’ Muslim Brotherhood group in court ruling: Reports


A Jordanian court has ruled to “dissolve” the Muslim Brotherhood in the country, according to media reports.

The Jordanian Court of Cassation voted on Wednesday that dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood because it had not corrected its legal status in line with Jordanian law, reported regional media outlets.

The decision reportedly came after the organization filed a lawsuit against a breakaway group, the Muslim Brotherhood Society (MBS), and the government’s Department of Lands and Survey.

The now-dissolved organization requested that a transfer of real estate and land to the MBS, which was given legal status in 2015, be nullified.

However, the court rejected the law suit and said the Brotherhood was dissolved.

This is big news with potential strategic consequences: Jordan’s Court of Cassation dissolves Muslim Brotherhood— NAMEA Geopol (@NAMEAGroup) July 16, 2020

According to the Counter Extremism Project, the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan split in 2015, between the “reformist” MBS and the older Muslim Brotherhood Group.

Since then, the two factions have vied for influence in the country.

The decision to dissolve the older branch comes ahead of parliamentary elections in the country, with Independent Arabia suggesting it could affect who runs for parliament.

The parliamentary party the Islamic Action Front is linked to the older Muslim Brotherhood group and won 10 of the 130 seats in 2016. Members of the MBS ran under the National Congress Party ticket in 2016 but did not win any seats, according to the Counter Extremism Report.

Sheikh Hamza Mansur, head of the organisation's ruling council, said the group would appeal against Wednesday's ruling, acording to AFP.

"The Muslim Brotherhood ... is a model of moderation and an important element in strengthening national unity, so dissolving it is not in the national interest," he told AFP.

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