Friday, July 10, 2020

Marxist mobs sweep into cities, call for defunding of police, tear down statues and create havoc


Demonstrators holds signs during a protest to demand the defunding of the Los Angeles school district police outside of the school board headquarters Tuesday, June 23, 2020, in Los Angeles. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

By Tammy Bruce - - Wednesday, July 8, 2020


We were told this was a “movement” to make Black lives matter. We were told this was a movement to reform and improve the police. We were told Black Americans were being targeted and killed indiscriminately and that had to stop. After George Floyd’s death, we were told many things with which we agreed.

But instead of a movement to make Black lives matter, anarchist Antifa thugs and the Democratic Party-associated Marxist Black Lives Matter swooped in — exploiting Black lives, the continuing tragedy of the inner-city and the goodwill and unity of the American people.

The organized political Marxists, with the apparent wink and nod from the Democrats running various American cities, has erased any positive movement and instead has replaced “reform the police” with “defund the police.” Black lives mattering was replaced with Black Americans murdered at a record pace. Instead of lifting people up, we watch as anarchy and mob violence takes hold and destroys lives in some of our most important and historic cities.

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The moment mass hysteria took hold of our ruling class, the panicked desire to not be called “racist” by Marxist bullies destroyed any hope for actual reform and progress not just of policing tactics, but also of a law enforcement system that caters to the rich while condemning the disenfranchised.

The “movement” instead became a parade of White people, individually and in corporations, jockeying to prove who was the most woke by confessing to racist thoughts or actions.

Americans were repulsed by embarrassing videos of celebrities begging for forgiveness and pledging to “learn” about how they could do better. Sports teams began placating the mob by embracing kneeling during the national MAA. A coach, who was shamed for wearing a T-shirt that offended our new mob bosses, apologized and publicly begged for forgiveness

Movie, book and pancake syrup makers were determined to get in on the Woke Olympics. Statues continue to come down — including one of an elk in Portland. One would guess the poor creature had not been fast enough with his own racism mea culpa on behalf of his four-legged brethren. So down, down came the elk!


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