Sunday, July 26, 2020

Photos: Animal baby boom at Palestinian zoo after people disappear

15 animals were born at the tiny Qalqilya Zoo in West Bank during the two months lockdown

Published: June 13, 2020 

Peacocks, ostriches and baboons joined in an animal baby boom at a Palestinian zoo during the coronavirus closure as they let nature take its course free from human distractions. Above: Veterinarian Sami Khader puts a diaper on a baby baboon, which was born at the Qalqilya Zoo, West BankImage Credit: REUTERS
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Visitors hold a baby baboon at the zoo. Fifteen animals were born at the tiny Qalqilya Zoo in the Israeli-occupied West Bank during the two months that it shut its doors to visitors - three times more than usual, zoo officials said.Image Credit: REUTERS
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"The coronavirus spread at the same time that trips were expected at the zoo. They were cancelled and therefore the animals started to give birth," said zoo veterinarian Sami Khader.Image Credit: REUTERS
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An ostrich that laid eggs in normal years rarely had the chance to incubate them properly. But this year she produced 11 eggs and "because there weren't people around her, she was able to build a nest", he said.Image Credit: REUTERS
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In the monkey enclosure, usually bedevilled by miscarriages, one baboon gave birth, although she had little inclination to take care of the baby.Image Credit: REUTERS
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"My father had to bring him to our house," said the vet's daughter, Hind Khader. "I took care of him and gave him milk."Image Credit: REUTERS
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A bear eats a watermelon. The zoo reopened in late May as Palestinian officials eased COVID-19 restrictions.Image Credit: REUTERS
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Now zoo managers hope the newborn attractions will be enough of a draw to compensate for 200,000 lost visitors.Image Credit: REUTERS
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A worker feeds a hippo at the zoo.Image Credit: REUTERS
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A baby baboon is fed by the daughter of veterinarian Sami Khader.Image Credit: REUTERS
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A lion is seen in an enclosure at the Qalqilya Zoo.Image Credit: REUTERS
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Veterinarian Sami Khader looks after a baby baboon.Image Credit: REUTERS
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A baby baboon looks from a box at the zoo.Image Credit: REUTERS

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