Sunday, July 12, 2020

Police Arrest Suspect in Turning Trump Square Fountain Blood Red to Protest Annexation

The protest comes amid a wave of anti-annexation rallies throughout Israel as the government's July 1 annexation deadline approaches

Haaretz   JULY 12, 2020

Police arrested a Tel Aviv man on Sunday on suspicion that he turned the water in Petah Tikva's Trump Square red last month in protest of Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank.

Graffiti scrawled in front of the fountain read "Annexation will cost us in blood."

A police statement said that while trying to locate the perpetrator, they identified a suspect and attempted to find him. During Saturday night's demonstration against the government's handling of the economic crisis at Tel Aviv's Rabin Square, the same suspect was arrested for "disturbing public order" during the protest, police said. During questioning, the suspect mentioned that he is wanted for questioning in the incident in Petah Tikva.

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