Friday, July 10, 2020

Study: Fox News, Anderson Cooper Among Most Trusted News Sources for Cheaters

But many of them are also cheating on Fox with a certain CNN anchor

Patiently waiting for Fox and Ashley Madison to collab on a new dating app and/or reality show. RAFAEL HENRIQUE/SOPA IMAGES/LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES


If you were having an extramarital affair, where would you go for trusted reporting on current events and need-to-know news? Statistically speaking, the answer is probably Fox News.

That’s according to a recent survey from married dating site Ashley Madison, which found that Fox News is the most trusted news source among its users, preferred by 43 percent of members.


This news isn’t terribly surprising for a platform that has historically trended conservative in its user base, according to Ashley Madison Chief Strategy Officer Paul Keable. “Historically, our membership in the US has been largely Republican, so it comes as no surprise that our data reveals Fox News to be the top news network in terms of views and trustworthiness,” Keable said in a press release.

CNN came in second place, preferred by 29 percent of Ashley Madison users, while MSNBC took third place with just 11 percent. “This ranking is consistent with the top three most watched and most trusted networks among Ashley Madison members, 90% of whom say they watch the news,” said Keable.

Are you keeping up with current affairs or are you just currently having affairs?
— Ashley Madison (@ashleymadison) July 7, 2020

However, while Ashley Madison users may prefer Fox as a network, many of them seem to have a soft spot for a certain CNN reporter. According to the Ashley Madison report, CNN’s Anderson Cooper is the most trusted news anchor among the platform’s users, preferred by 33 percent. Fellow CNN reporter Wolf Blitzer took fourth place, while the remaining spots were taken up by Fox’s Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Chris Wallace.

If some Fox News loyalists are cheating on the network with Anderson Cooper, Keable says the diversity among preferred journalists reflects an open-mindedness not unlike that often involved in extramarital affairs. “What we’re seeing is that political affiliation doesn’t always dictate what news you watch or trust,” said Keable. “Some may consider that cheating, so to speak, but, as with marriages, sometimes the best thing to do is broaden your horizons and explore what else is out there.”

This isn’t the first time Ashley Madison has discovered political inconsistencies among its users. Back in May, the platform found that the top 20 cities for extramarital affairs during the coronavirus pandemic all went blue in the last election, despite Ashley Madison’s historical tendency toward the conservative end of the political spectrum.

“It’s been said that politics makes for strange bedfellows, so in a time of huge societal shifts it shouldn’t be a surprise that even the membership of Ashley Madison is changing,” said Keable.

This all goes to show that infidelity knows no political bounds. In these increasingly divided times, maybe cheating on our spouses is the one thing holding this nation together.

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