Thursday, July 16, 2020

Tiger fleeing flooding takes shelter in villager's goat shed

A sub adult tiger has entered inside a goat shed in Kandolimari Village (Agartoli Range) to escape flood. Committee is constituted to monitor the situation on regular basis. Utmost care is being taken to ensure safety of both people and Tiger. @ParimalSuklaba1 @GolaghatPolice— Kaziranga National Park & Tiger Reserve (@kaziranga_) July 13, 2020

July 13 (UPI) -- A tiger seeking refuge from flooding wandered into an Indian town and found shelter inside a resident's goat shed.

The Kaziranga National Park in Assam said the tiger was spotted Monday taking shelter from floodwaters in Kandolimari Village, located on the edge of the park.

Park officials said a team was dispatched to the village and found the tiger, a sub-adult male, sheltering inside a goat shed. The officials said the situation was being monitored while experts worked on a plan to return the big cat to the park.

About 118 Bengal tigers are believed to be living inside the boundaries of the park.

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