Friday, July 17, 2020


Real or fake? This fish caught in Malaysia apparently has human teeth (Twitter/ @raff_nasir)

Real or fake? This fish caught in Malaysia apparently has human teeth (Twitter/ @raff_nasir)

 If social media is to be believed, a fisherman in Malaysia recently made a catch with a surprisingly human-like set of chompers. 

A photo was posted to Twitter by user @raff_nasir on July 2 and it swiftly picked up viral fame as more and more people commented on the lips and teeth of this particular specimen.

 The beast has been identified as as a triggerfish by local media, of which there are 40 different types. Triggerfish are supposedly territorial and aggressive, charging at intruders and using those impressive teeth to battle with crabs and sea urchins, according to National Geographic.

Local reports identify the fish as a triggerfish (Twitter/ @raff_nasir)

'bibir dia lagi seksi dari aku 😭 — RaffNasir• (@raff_nasir) July 2, 2020 Local reports identify the fish as a triggerfish (Twitter/ @raff_nasir)

 Locally, the odd-looking creature is known as ayam laut or ikan jebong, reports the Rakyat Post. 

It goes on to say the species is highly sought for the aquarium trade which leads to fishermen gathering the threatened species from the wild.

 We spoke to marine experts at the World Wildlife Fund which conformed the fish as a Blackpatch triggerfish (Rhinecathus verrucosus) because of its distinctive orange side-stripe. 

‘It’s a well-known species with a wide distribution from the Seyshelles to the Great Barrier Reef, which would include Malaysia,’ a spokesperson for the WWF told

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