Sunday, August 30, 2020

ARCHAEOLOGISTS in Poland were surprised to unearth a ceramic ornament of a horned face, believing it is more than 7,000-year-old.

Fri, Aug 28, 2020

The archaeologists do not know what purpose the horned face served, but it likely had a sacred meaning to the ancient people inhabiting south Poland. The ornament was excavated in Biskupice, southeast of Krakow, where early Stone Age agriculture is known to have flourished.

Archaeologists led by Dr Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo from the Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany found the ornament at a dig site exploring three ancient homesteads.

The broken object was hidden away in a stash of other ceramics in a cavity under one of the longhouses.

Among the recovered artefacts, the face stood out for its very unusual features.

The object measures about four inches (10cm) across and has clearly defined eyes and a nose.

Archeology news: This mystery ornamed features a horned face (Image: PAP/LUKASZ GAGULSKI)

Archaeology news: The ornament may have been part of a bigger vessel like a bowl (Image: PAP/LUKASZ GAGULSKI)

Above the eyes, however, are two protrusions that resemble horns.

According to lead archaeologist Marta Korczyńska, the ornament was likely part of a bigger vessel, like a bowl.

Dr Moskal-del Hoyo added: "Today, we are unable to conclusively interpret this portrayal.

"However, it seems likely such an unusual artefact could, to some extent, be tied to the sphere of the sacred."

The archaeologists are, however, certain the discovery shows a link between the neolithic people of Poland and Hungary and Slovakia.

Among the ceramic artefacts were items made out of volcanic obsidian - a material that does not appear in Poland.

The archaeologists have so far uncovered more than 3,000 items in similar cavities.

And similar ornaments have been discovered in Hungary and Slovakia - but without horns - and are linked to cultures thriving along the Danube river.

According to Professor Agnieszka Czekaj-Zastawny from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, these cultures rapidly spread across Europe thousands of years ago.

Archaeology news: A stash of artefacts was found under a neolithic longhouse (Image: PAP/LUKASZ GAGULSKI)

She said: "In Biskupice, we have a fragment of the settlement of the first farmers in Poland.

"They are representatives of a culture that quite quickly spread from the Danube across Europe, more than 7,000 years ago."

The archaeologists have wrapped up their work this week but hope to return to Biskupice next year.

Their work was aided by botanists fascinated by the early farming community.

Dr Moskal-del Hoyo said: "It may come as a surprise that archaeological research is conducted by staff from the Institute of Botany PAN, but in this interdisciplinary project, plant remains are alongside ceramics and other artefacts, an equal but unfortunately often overlooked source of information on material culture and ancient customs."

According to the expert, the remains of plants dated to the earliest days of the Stone Age are rarely collected by archaeologists.

But she believes they can be an invaluable source of information.

The endeavour is financed by Poland's National Science Centre.

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