Monday, August 17, 2020

Taylor Swift slams Donald Trump's 'calculated dismantling of USPS'
"Vote early," she tweeted Saturday, saying the president is trying to "blatantly cheat" in the November election.

Taylor Swift performs in 2019. She called out President Donald Trump on the changes being made at the U.S. Postal Service before the November election.Isabel Infantes / AP

Aug. 15, 2020,
By Alexander Kacala

Taylor Swift ripped into President Donald Trump on Saturday, saying that his “calculated dismantling” of the United States Postal Service is an example of him trying to “blatantly cheat” the 2020 election.

"Trump’s calculated dismantling of USPS proves one thing clearly: He is WELL AWARE that we do not want him as our president,” the 30-year-old pop star wrote on Twitter. “He’s chosen to blatantly cheat and put millions of Americans’ lives at risk in an effort to hold on to power.”

Swift's tweet is alluding to Trump's opposition to emergency funding for the postal service because he believes it will lead to more voting by mail.

“Donald Trump’s ineffective leadership gravely worsened the crisis that we are in and he is now taking advantage of it to subvert and destroy our right to vote and vote safely. Request a ballot early. Vote early,” Swift added in a subsequent tweet on Saturday.

This isn't the first time the formerly apolitical pop star has slammed President Trump this year.

Back in May, she accused Trump for "stoking the fires of white supremacy" after he tweeted about shooting protesters in Minneapolis.

"After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?" she tweeted, tagging the 45th president of the United States.

"We will vote you out in November," she added.

That statement was Swift's most overtly political declaration at the time, as the singer has historically stayed out of partisan politics for the majority of her career. That changed in 2018, after she came out against the re-election of Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn. Since then, Swift has made her own views on social issues well known through her activism and her music.

Taylor Swift accuses Trump of putting ‘millions of lives at risk’ and urges Americans to vote early

16/8/2020 by James Besanvalle in news

Image: Getty

Taylor Swift just came for Donald Trump on Twitter and it’s got everyone talking.

The “Cardigan” singer took to the social media platform to accuse the POTUS of “dismantling” the US Postal Service and rallied against his “ineffective leadership” during the coronavirus pandemic.

Her call to action? “Vote early”.

The tweets clearly struck a chord with people on Twitter, amassing over 650,000 likes on the former and 335,000 likes on the latter – at the time of writing.

They’re impressive figures, considering they’ve only been online for less than a day.

Twitter users flooded the replies with their love and support for Swift’s sentiments:

Earlier this week, Trump threatened to reduce funding to the USPS because of mail-in voting.

In a press conference, Trump confirmed that he was withholding aid for Covid-19 for states that have been particularly badly hit because he was trying to put pressure on the Democrats over mail-in voting.

He's also previously been accused of spreading misinformation about mail-in voting for the 2020 elections over the last few months – with Twitter even putting fact-checks on some of his more misleading tweets.

Trump has yet to publicly address Swift's tweets but it’s unlikely to make him very happy if a previous altercation is anything to go by.

In 2018, Taylor Swift endorsed Democrat Phil Bredesen over Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn, who she said “appalls and terrifies" her.

Trump responded at the time:
’m sure Taylor Swift doesn’t know anything about [Blackburn]. I like Taylor’s music about 25 per cent less now, OK?
Real mature.

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