Tuesday, August 18, 2020

DHS chief of staff under Trump endorses Biden, describes 'terrifying' dealings with president

NEVER AGAIN TRUMP VOTERSKathryn Krawczyk, The Week•August 17, 2020

One of the Department of Homeland Security's top officials under President Trump is now turning against him

Miles Taylor, who worked as DHS chief of staff under Trump, announced in a Monday ad and a Washington Post op-ed that he would be supporting former Vice President Joe Biden this fall. While he once hoped Trump would "soberly accept the burdens of the presidency," Taylor said in the op-ed that "he did not rise to the challenge," and thus Taylor had no choice but to speak out against his re-election.

In the ad, Taylor said what he saw "after two and a half years in that administration was terrifying." He described how "we would go in and try to talk to [Trump] about pressing national security issues," but "he wasn't interested in those things." "The president wanted to exploit the Department of Homeland Security for his own political purposes and to fuel his own agenda," Taylor continued. For example, Trump tried to tell FEMA to stop sending aid to wildfire-stricken California because it didn't vote for him, and "wanted to restart zero tolerance" and "have a deliberate policy of ripping children away from their parents" at the border," Taylor said.

Taylor goes on to make clear in the ad that he's not a Democrat, and disagrees with Biden on many fronts. But Trump is "actively doing damage to our security," while Biden "will protect the country," he said. Watch the ad below, and find Taylor's op-ed at The Washington Post.

NEW: Testimonial ad from Trump's Former DHS Chief of Staff @MilesTaylorUSA, declaring his support for Joe Biden and describing Trump's presidency as "terrifying" and "actively doing damage to our security."

WATCH & go to https://t.co/Nz2NiSCquN for more. pic.twitter.com/iChqOdIIew
— Republican Voters Against Trump (@RVAT2020) August 17, 2020
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DHS removes acting chief of intelligence and analysis after protest response

Black Lives Matter protesters against racism and police brutality storm the Justice Center and clash with local police and federal agents in downtown Portland, Ore., Monday. On Saturday reports surfaced that Brian Murphy, acting chief of intelligence and analysis for the Department of Homeland Security, following criticism of his department's handling of the protests. EPA-EFE/DAVID SWANSON

Aug. 1 (UPI) -- The Department of Homeland Security is removing its acting chief of intelligence and analysis amid criticism of his office's role in responding to civil unrest in Portland, Ore.

As of Saturday, Brian Murphy was still listed as Acting Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Brian Murphy on the DHS website.

But the Washington Post has reported that DHS Secretary Chad Wolf has removed Brian Murphy from his role following a series of reports about how his office responded to nightly protests in the city.

Most recently, the reports surfaced reported that DHS had compiled "intelligence reports" on journalists who published leaked documents, and that the agency had monitored protesters' electronic communications.

On Saturday House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said the committee had been conducting an investigation into Murphy and his department for more than two weeks.

"In light of recent public reports, we are concerned that Murphy may have provided incomplete and potentially misleading information to Committee staff during our recent oversight engagement, and that the Department of Homeland Security and I&A are now delaying or withholding underlying intelligence products, legal memoranda, and other records requested by the Committee that could shed light on these actions," Schiff said in the statement.

The demonstrations have been part of a nationwide protest against police brutality and racism following the May 25 death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

Tensions between demonstrators and police -- who had used tear gas and other means of crowd dispersal repeatedly in late May and throughout June -- were high before the arrival of federal officers in early July.

After DHS agents arrived in the city, viral videos showed officers -- who have dressed in military gear have not worn badges revealing their names or agencies -- appearing to arrest protesters without probable cause, drawing criticism from city officials and the public.

Video also shows federal agents shooting a protester, who was holding a boom box over his head during the incident, in the head with a rubber bullet and sending the man to the hospital.

On July 23 U.S. District Judge Michael Simon blocked federal agents from arresting and using force against clearly identified journalists in Portland for 14 days.

A group of journalists and legal observers has filed a motion accusing federal agents of defying that order.

On Wednesday Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced federal officers would begin a phased withdrawal from the city beginning Thursday.

Wolf said later that day that DHS would remain in the city "until the violent activity toward our federal facilities end."

On Friday DHS published a press release saying federal officers had been present to protect the federal courthouse as part of a collaboration agreement with Oregon State Police and the Portland Police Bureau, but described the protests as peaceful and not resulting in any arrests.

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