Sunday, August 02, 2020

Enhanced unemployment expired Friday — President Trump responded by spending Saturday golfing

Published  August 1, 2020 By Bob Brigham

America’s economic crisis worsened on Friday as enhanced unemployment insurance expired, as did the nationwide moratorium on evictions.

The bleak outlook was reflected in new numbers showing the Gross Domestic Product falling by 32.9% in the second quarter — the worst numbers ever recorded.

Meanwhile, over 155,000 Americans have died from coronavirus and parents are worried whether schools will be able to safely open for in-person classes — or whether their local school district will join many big-city schools and only offer virtual learning.

And Hurricane Isaias is bearing down on Florida and the east coast

Against that backdrop, President Donald Trump went golfing on Saturday.

Trump is back at his golf course in Virgina.
He has now spent 264 days on a golf course he owns in his 1,290 days in office.
It is his 89th day on the course at Sterling.
Taxpayer-paid golf tab still at $139.8 million.
— S.V. Dáte (@svdate) August 1, 2020

NBC News shot video at “extreme distance” documenting Trump’s bizarre practice of making his caddie ride on the back of his golf cart.

The president and caddie on the course today. (@NBCNews video taken at extreme distance).
— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) August 1, 2020

The group Meidas Touch released a video blasting Trump for golfing during the crises.
Over 156,000 dead. The worst GDP drop in history. And Trump is golfing. Again. #TrumpGolfsYouDie
— (@MeidasTouch) August 1, 2020

Here’s what others were saying about Trump’s prioritization of how he spends his time:

Per pool reporter @alaynatreene, the message "Trump killed Herman Cain" was written in chalk outside the entrance of the President's Northern Virginia golf club today

— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) August 1, 2020

As millions face their first weekend without extended unemployment benefits, Republican senators are at home and Trump is playing golf.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 1, 2020

6 protesters on either side of the street meet #Impotus motorcade this a.m. shouting “Traitor”, “F**king liar”, “Killer!” “Dump Trump”, as lawn signs saying: Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV. lined the left, right, and median.@dailykos @YoramBlue @ActivistKathy
— Jay Cuasay (@tribeplatypus) August 1, 2020

I’d rather Trump play golf than play president.
— Windsor Mann (@WindsorMann) August 1, 2020

The signs person, woman, man, camera and tv are outside of Trump’s golf course
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) August 1, 2020

"I won't have time to golf. I just want to work my ass off" – Donald Trump, Feb. 2016.

Today marks his 372nd day golfing at one of his own properties, in the 1,289 days he's been president.

Total cost? Approx. $154.5 million, or 386 years of presidential salary.

— Mike Pence – Professional Mannequin (@vespertilioAJR) August 1, 2020

250 Americans died of Covid while he played, thousands waited in lines for food and testing, and millions looked at their unpaid bills due today, but hey, I bet Donnie had a nice afternoon.
— John Miller (@jjmblog) August 1, 2020

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