Saturday, August 08, 2020

Rudy Giuliani wildly claims Black Lives Matter are a 'domestic terror group' who 'hate white men in particular'


Griffin Connolly,
The Independent•August 6, 2020

President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has claimed Black Lives Matter is a "domestic terrorist group," despite the group never being tied to a single terrorism event in a global database of almost 200,000.
"These are killers, and these are people who hate white people. They're people who hate white men in particular. And they want to do away with a mother-father family," Mr Giuliani said on Fox and Friends on Thursday, although ample evidence debunks that claim.

While the US State Department has a list of foreign terror organisations, the government does not legally denominate domestic terror groups.

In two separate incidents on 7 July 2016, two black US military veterans allegedly invoked the phrase "black lives matter" as they opened fire on police and civilians in Dallas, Texas, and Bristol, Tennessee.

Investigators determined both men had acted alone, and that the Black Lives Matter political organisation was in no way involved.

"That's not to suggest that no one associated with BLM — or any particular movement — never engages in some criminal behavior," Joshua Geltzer, a counterterrorism expert who has worked on the national security council, told PolitiFact in July. "But the relevant question is whether the organization itself engages in the type of activity laid out by statute. And, on that, there's been no evidence provided to indicate as much."

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