Sunday, August 02, 2020

Trump Campaign Adviser Dodges Questions About Foreign Assistance

Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller, failed to give a straight and complete answer when asked on Fox News Sunday whether the Trump campaign or the administration has received or would refuse to receive foreign assistance.

You’d think the campaign of any legit nationalist, which Donald Trump markets himself as, would make a big show of denouncing and disavowing any foreign assistance. That’s doubly true when Trump calls the Mueller investigation into Russian interference, with the goal of helping Trump get elected, a hoax.

Instead, Miller suspiciously waffled and deflected on Fox News Sunday today:

WALLACE: Can you state flatly that neither the Trump administration nor the Trump campaign has received any information from foreign groups, foreign nationals, about either Joe Biden or his family, and can you state flatly that neither the administration nor the campaign will accept foreign assistance?

MILLER: Chris, that's a silly question. I mean, the folks who have actually taken foreign assistance were the Clinton campaign four years ago. I mean the entire shady dossier they put together was from a British spy.

No, we're going to go and beat Joe Biden fair and square here, absolutely. But I think you should have asked the same question to his prospective running mates in Senate Duckworth and Karen Bass because, just as we saw four years ago, it was the Democrats who took foreign assistance.

WALLACE: But can you flatly state that the Trump campaign and the administration will not accept foreign assistance this time?

MILLER: Chris, I said that's an absolutely silly question. We're going to go and win this race fair and square and it's the Democrats who are going to --

WALLACE: I'm just asking for an -- I'm asking for an answer. It's a -- it's a yes or no question, Jason.

MILLER: Chris, there is no foreign assistance that's happening in this campaign. But I would ask you to make sure that the Democrats aren't going to do what they tried to pull four years ago because that's exactly -- they're going to try to find every possible way to cheat and steal this selection, 100 percent.

Miller's statement, that “there is no foreign assistance that’s happening” is a bit weaselly, too, as it speaks only to the present. But Wallace promised he’d ask Joe Biden if he has the chance to interview him and then moved on.

Wallace also deserves credit for challenging Miller early on when he claimed that “the power center in this Biden campaign and what a potential Biden presidency would look like is the radical left wing mob. It's Bernie Sanders. It's AOC. It's Ilhan Omar.”

Wallace interrupted to say, “Joe Biden has not come out for Medicare for all. Joe Biden has not come out for the Green New Deal. Joe Biden has not come out for defund the police. I understand that that's your talking point, but it's not so.”

Then, after Miller went on to claim, “no voter” wants to “vote for the guy who wants $4 trillion in tax increases and his own version of a Green New Deal and wipe out the American energy sector,” Wallace pressed the point by noting that multiple polls show Trump losing to Biden.

But as good as those moments were, they will almost surely be overshadowed by Fox's Trump cheerleaders disregarding and/or justifying his alarming deference to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin.

You can watch Miller's dodgy deflections below, from the August 2, 2020 Fox News Sunday.

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