Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trump Says He’ll Seek a Third Term Because ‘They Spied On Me’

Peter Wade,
Rolling Stone•August 17, 2020

With the political world focused on the Democratic convention Monday night, President Trump looked to steal some of the limelight by saying that he will seek a third term if he wins reelection.

During a rally in Wisconsin, the president lied to a cheering crowd, telling them that he deserves eight additional years in office because, he falsely claimed, his campaign was spied on in 2016—an assertion his own FBI refuted in a detailed report.

“We are going to win four more years,” Trump said. “And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.”
— PoliticsVideo23 (@politicsvideo23) August 17, 2020

But Trump has one problem: the Constitution. The 22nd Amendment says, “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.”
During the same rally, Trump went on a bizarre rant about how well the economy was performing before the pandemic, touting the success of students who attended “crummy colleges” and “dumb people.”

i'm laughing so hard pic.twitter.com/Q9sl8L3pck
— Madeline Peltz (@peltzmadeline) August 17, 2020

The president’s manic Monday did not stop there. During a stop in Michigan, Trump told the assembled crowd a bullshit story he often repeats.

“I was ‘Man of the Year’ eleven years ago in Michigan. I don’t know why but they picked me,” the president said.
Trump: I was man of the year 11years ago in Michigan. I don’t know why but they picked me pic.twitter.com/APZ33Qrz6g
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) August 17, 2020
Trump doesn’t know why he was chosen for this honor because it’s a lie. According to a 2019 report in the Detroit News, the president has told the fabricated story at least six times—make that seven after today.

“Since 2016, Trump has claimed that he received Michigan’s ‘Man of the Year’ award, and no one in Michigan seems to know what he is talking about,” the report said.

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