Saturday, September 12, 2020


About 10 thousand women march across Minsk in peaceful protest

Simultaneously with the beginning of the action, arrests began on the Freedom square.

Women’s March. September 12, Minsk. Photo:

After the Women’s March was over, the security forces detained the participants and bystanders.

The store on Independence Avenue welcomes the participants of the peaceful Women’s March. Minsk, September 12. Photo: Belsat.euЖенский марш

Women’s March in Minsk. September 12, 2020. Photo: Alyaksandr Vasyukovich / Vot-tak

The participants in the march drove the journalists of the Russian channel RT, who worked also for the Belarusian State Television, to the other side of the road.

The Independence Avenue. Only public transport was running. Women’s March, September 12, Minsk. Photo:
The girls stopped the public transport so that everyone could move together, and then thanked the drivers. Women’s March, Minsk, September 12. Photo:

Viasna reports about almost 30 people detained today in Minsk.

The girls stopped the public transport so that everyone could move together, and then thanked the drivers. Women’s March, Minsk, September 12. Photo:

One of the main slogans of the women’s march today was “Where is our Masha?”

Women’s march in Minsk, September 12. Photo: Belsat.euAmong the detained are Belsat journalists Katsyaryna Andreyeva and Maksim Kalitouski, who were broadcasting live. They wore vests with the words “Press”. Andreyeva wrote on her Facebook: “Maks Kalitouski and I have been detained, during the arrest they threatened to handcuff me. We are in the Kastrychnitski district police department. They’ve seized the camera and phone, if we do not give it back, we can be charged with article 23.4,”. Come here everyone, especially a lawyer.”

Women’s march to Freedom Square. The girl tore off the mask from the security officer, he hit her. Minsk, September 12. Photo:

Women’s march at the Freedom Square. Minsk, September 12. Photo:
Women’s march at the Freedom Square. Minsk, September 12. Photo:

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