Tuesday, September 29, 2020

All aboard … for Reparations!
March 3, 2020
At a huge campaign rally in Richmond, California, on Feb. 17, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Mary Jane O’Meara Sanders, his wife, wave to the crowd. He’s way ahead in the polls. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at  AH REMEMBER THAT

by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at

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Commemorating the Contributions of Women and HERstory Month

Africans Deserve Reparations! Cause, Black Lives Truly Matter!

Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed G-o-ds and Elder, Sister and Brother Leaders,

May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All – and beloved Ancients and Ancestors from yesteryears and yesterdays – find you and (y)our extended Family thriving in healing Spirit. WE know you were further enlightened during the many timely events and activities highlighted throughout our Alkebulan-African OurStory and Futures Month.

On a very personal level, i am honoring the long life and contributions of my first Pastor (Emeritus), Rev. WALLACE S. HARTSFIELD, SR., who for many decades led the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church helping build affordable housing, community businesses, grocery stores, a credit union, senior center as well as a child care center and other enterprises in Kansas City, Missouri. Amen. Asé

WE pay our deepest respect and gratitude for our beloved Queen Mother, supreme educator and Bay Area business owner, the great Dr. RAYE RICHARDSON. She, along with her husband Dr. JULIAN “RICH” RICHARDSON – and their gifted two Suns and two Daughters, Grands and Greats – founded what is now the oldest African-owned bookstore in the U.S., MARCUS (GARVEY) Books. Dr. Raye also chaired the famed Black Studies Department at San Francisco State University for many years. Amen. Asé.

Also making her sacred transformation to the Spiritual realm was another inspiration to so many young and talented women (and male) actors, the brilliant and beautiful Queen Mother NISA BEY; the founder and lead singer of Azania’s (South Africa’s) Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Baba JOSEPH SHABALALA; and, the amazing 101 year-old KATHERINE JOHNSON, the far-sighted mathematician who played a key role along with other Black women in engineering the NASA program.

WE are grateful for the life, work and many contributions of these new and All our incredible Ancestors. Long Live Their Spirits! Asé. Asé. Asé-O!

Destination REPARATIONS!

Carol Fife of ACCE, the fiery face of the victorious Moms 4 Housing fightback campaign, speaks for the campaign for Bernie Sanders for President. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

WE hope that each of you has registered to vote, educated yourself on the issues, adopted a group or personal agenda and had the opportunity to challenge the candidates for the upcoming Primary Election, on March Third. My leading mantra has always been, it is not which man, woman or political Party that WE support that matters most. For me, what is most significant is our People’s Agenda and do the candidates or political parties support us. Or, in short, it ain’t the man or the woman. It’s our Plan that is key! Asé.

WE are calling on all Africans, as well as our true friends and allies, in San Francisco to immediately call up Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as Rep. Zoe Lofgren. Tell them to endorse “The Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act,” H.R. 40, right now!

Our thanks to Rep. Anna Eshoo – who represents portions of the northern California peninsula counties of San Mateo and Santa Clara – for signing on to H.R. 40, “The Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act,” in February. This is a critical moment in this important legislation, first introduced by Congressman and Ancestor JOHN CONYERS, JR. (and most recently by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Houston). With appreciation to many of you and your networks, WE now have more endorsers in the U.S. House of Representatives than ever before. But, WE need an additional 28 to reach the 150 to force full hearings beginning this June(teenth). So, WE are calling on all Africans, as well as our true friends and allies, in San Francisco to immediately call up Speaker Nancy Pelosi (at both (415) 556-4862 and (202) 225-4965); as well as Rep. Zoe Lofgren (at (408) 271-8700 and (202) 225-3072), one of the designated Trump Impeachment Managers, representing parts of the South Bay including San Jose. Tell them to endorse H.R. 40 right now!

In addition, WE continue to encourage every registered voter in California to immediately call up Senator Diane Feinstein who – as the ranking Democratic Party member on the Senate Judiciary Committee with a net worth of close to $80 million – has not yet apologized for disrespecting African people. She has said in regards to our desperate needs and righteous demands for Reparatory Justice, that we “need to get over it” (Meaning 500 plus years of European “white” terrorism, torturous enslavement, robbery, lynchings and murder, mass imprisonment, gang rape and continuing crimes against our humanity, JAA-M). Feinstein was quoted as stating “some things are just better left alone … and I think that (Reparations, JAA-M) is one of those things.”

What say you, African Family and true allies? Will you call Sen. Feinstein’s office to voice your opinion at (415) 393-0707 in San Francisco, or (202) 224-3841 in Washington? Will you tell her to immediately apologize for those statements? And endorse S.1083, “The Commission to STUDY AND DEVELOP REPARATIONS PROPOSALS FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS Act”? Also, i ask again, very respectfully. If two white dudes in Vermont, by the name of Ben and Jerry, can endorse and advocate for our Reparations H.R. 40/S. 1083 legislation and hearings, shouldn’t that be the least that WE can do as organizations and individuals? And, shouldn’t WE demand the same of every elected official and candidate as they flood our area over the coming March to November 2020 election period?

A young Sis-Star sporting a HARRIET TUBMAN shirt visits the N’COBRA and Bay View table hosted by Baba Jahahara, noting their matching shirts, at Oakland’s Black Joy Parade on Feb. 23. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

Also, in February, Assembly member Shirley Weber of San Diego – and chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus – has introduced AB 3121. The bill calls for, in the spirit of the national H.R. 40/S.1083, a commission to study and develop proposals for Reparations. While WE haven’t seen the legislation in full yet, WE support all forward energy that propels us towards our Destination of Reparations.

Gratitude to those who visited our National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) and San Francisco Bay View newspaper table at events like the Black Joy Parade in Oakland. WE are working diligently to make the west side one of the best sides in expanding our righteous inter-generational movements for self-determination, justice and healing of Africans. Go to www.ncobraonline.org or reach us locally at support@africansdeservereparations.com

Hundreds of strong, smart Oakland women march in the third annual Black Joy Parade on Feb. 17. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

WE again thank those generous souls who became a member of N’COBRA, made a contribution to the Bay View, purchased one of our books, a beautiful REPARATIONS poster by Baba Emory Douglas and/or a Red, Black and Green liberation flag. Every purchase helps us raise funds in support of our unjustly-imprisoned and exiled political leaders, as well as our Jericho Amnesty Movement.

With our collective actions and contributions, WE will soon reach our Goal and Destination of REPARATIONS RIGHT NOW! Asé.

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Respectfully, i have a few questions for our readers. So, grab some paper and a pen. Sorry, i forgot. As our youthful organizers constantly remind me, i’m the only one who still uses those “stone-age” forms of communication. Please pick-up your i-pads, computers and fancy cellies. Are you ready? Here WE go. 

Question #1. What has proven more devastating than the asteroid(s) that, allegedly, wiped out the dinosaurs? OK?

Question #2. Can you name something more destructive than the ever intensifying corporate-induced hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, wildfires and earthquakes that happen each year around our planet? Got it? All right, here’s your final,

Question, #3. Tell me the one thing more deadly than this current COVID-19 coronavirus that is sickening and killing off millions of people worldwide, thus far?

If you answered CAPITALISM for all three questions, you are absolutely correct. You see, widespread illnesses, regional epidemics, even global pandemics have occurred in the past and will probably happen in the future. Likewise, natural disasters are inevitable. 

gimc is a system that has its origins in the European genocidal wars of enslavement and robbery of our African and Indigenous nations, which has continued for nearly five plus centuries.

However, it is the global imperialist monopoly capitalist (gimc) system – based on the super-exploitation of humanity’s working class majority as well as the squeezing of nature’s resources for the most profit$, which benefit the tiniest and wealthiest classes – that exacerbates and makes every problem worse. And, magnifies each disaster. 

Headquartered on Wall Street and in London, Brussels, Moscow, Tokyo etc., gimc gives rise to and accelerates these murderous catastrophes. Why, you ask? Simply put, because its main motives are not the needs and well-being of the people. 

Quality healthcare, nutritional food, safe and affordable housing, clean water, education, public transportation and anything that benefits and uplifts the majority of people is not a priority. On the contrary, the goal of gimc is achieving HIGHER RATES OF PROFIT! AND STOCK OPTIONS FOR THE RICH BENEFICIARIES! AT ALL COSTS (pun-intended). And to destroy whatever and whoever gets in its way. To the detriment of WE masses.

gimc is a system that has its origins in the European genocidal wars of enslavement and robbery of our African and Indigenous nations, which has continued for nearly five plus centuries. gimc’s quest for super-profits has led us to a planet constantly at war: Over fossil fuels, like oil, in Iraq, Amazonas and Afghanistan. 

Certainly, over valuable natural resources, as in Congo. Wars over cheap labor, as in Asia. Over control over lucrative markets to sell commodities. 

And foremost, unjust sanctions and wars carried out by the bloated gimc military forces to put down righteous movements for independence, self-determination, true democracy, land reform, workers’ power and strides toward a more humane socialistic order … from Africa to Cuba to Ayiti (Haiti) to Zimbabwe to Iran to Venezuela to Palestine. 

It is this gimc system that over hundreds of years has shown the people the world over – especially the formerly colonized in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the Caribbean and so-called central and south Americas – that they are expendable. 

So, please OVERstand. This worldwide pandemic, looming economic depression and expected fascistic repression in response to the assured resistance of the people most affected and denied relief … are not simply about the policies and/or complete ignorance of one administration, like that of gimc’s current Agent #45, or one political party. 

This is a systematic failure of gimc. And there, unfortunately, will be many more. Unless, WE collectively develop our agendas and take the power! Asé.

Neena Joiner, owner of the FEELMORE sex shop in downtown Oakland (at 1703 Telegraph), now has opened a second store in downtown Berkeley at 2270 Shattuck Ave. They are open for basic essential items, like condoms and gloves. www.feelmore.com. Cause, after all, life will go on. Asé. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

In the meantime, please stay safe, help each other and continue to get organized wherever you are … ByAnyMeans Necessary! WE hope, if it is in Divine Order, that WE can continue this analysis and dialogue next month, on May First: International Workers’ Day and later around our African Liberation Day. Asé.

Destination REPARATIONS!

As WE expressed in our last few columns, our H.R. 40, “The Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act,” is at a critical moment. First introduced by Congressman and new Ancestor JOHN CONYERS JR., the bill was introduced most recently by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Houston in January 2019. 

With appreciation to our National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), and many of you and your networks, WE now have more endorsers in the U.S. House of Representatives than ever before. But WE need an additional 25 to reach our goal of 150 to force full hearings beginning this June(teenth). So, WE are calling on all Africans, as well as our true friends and allies, in San Francisco and the south bay to immediately call up Speaker Nancy Pelosi (at 415-556-4862 and 202-225-4965); as well as Rep. Zoe Lofgren (at 408-271-8700 and 202-225-3072), one of the designated Trump Impeachment Managers, representing parts of the south bay including San Jose. Tell them to endorse H.R. 40 right now!

In addition, WE continue to encourage every registered voter in California to immediately call up Sen. Diane Feinstein who – as the ranking Democratic Party member on the Senate Judiciary Committee with a net worth of close to $80 million – has not yet apologized for disrespecting African people and not endorsed the S.1083 Reparations legislation in the U.S. Senate. Please call Sen. Feinstein’s offices at 415-393-0707 in San Francisco, or 202-224-3841 in Washington? 

Also, i ask again, very respectfully: If two white dudes in Vermont, by the name of Ben and Jerry, can endorse and advocate for our Reparations H.R. 40/S. 1083 legislation and hearings, shouldn’t that be the least that WE can do as organizations and individuals? And, shouldn’t WE demand the same of every elected official and candidate as they flood our mailboxes and airwaves over the coming months towards the November 2020 election?

As always, WE invite your membership and leadership in helping expand our National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA). Go to www.ncobraonline.org or reach us locally at support@africansdeservereparations.com. With our collective actions and contributions, WE will soon reach our Goal and Destination of REPARATIONS RIGHT NOW! Asé.

Please Support Our Bay View

Please Support Our Bay View

WE urge you to make a desperately-needed contribution to our San Francisco Bay View newspaper, place an ad, or take out a subscription for yourself or an incarcerated family member. As expressed many times before, WE are struggling mightily to keep this voice of liberation in print and distributed FOR FREE throughout the Bay Area and around the united capitalist prison terrorist states of america (including to numerous penitentiaries where our Bay View is not currently banned due to our radical political stances and giving a voice to the voiceless).

Please, please make a tax-deductible donation ASAP by calling us at 415-671-0789. Or, go to our website at www.sfbayview.com. You can also send contributions of any amount the old-fashioned way by mailing a check or money order to 4917 Third St., San Francisco, CA 94124. Asante Sana (Many Thanks)! Asé.

#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparations #BringOurEldersHomeNow #AbolishPrisons #LoveandDefendMotherEarth

Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at is a Baba (Father), a “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)”; a Life Member and former National Co-Chair of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) and recently-assigned Acting Western Regional Representative. Take a listen to a few songs from his musical catalog, including his newest release “BAMN: ByAnyMeansNecessary!” (featuring the great Archbishop Franzo King of the Saint John Coltrane Church, on saxophone) at https://soundcloud.com/search?q=jahahara Invite Jahahara to present at your group, school, church or event c/o support@africansdeservereparations.com or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610.

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