Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Trump ridiculed after bizarre rant about 'anarchists throwing soup' resurfaces

Posted 4 hours ago by Greg Evans 

2020 has been a rough year for Donald Trump and the United States.

Not only has he done a terrible job of handling the coronavirus pandemic but he has also faced months and months' worth of Black Lives Matter protests following the death of unarmed Black people in the US at the hands of police.

Rather than offer words of support or a solution to the decades-long problem, Trump has criticised the protesters and even suggested that Black Lives Matter is 'discriminatory' and 'bad for Black people.'

Just a few weeks ago, on July 31, the president went on a bizarre rant about protesters and soup, which he claimed was being thrown at police. Yes, you read that correctly – soup.

Speaking during a meeting with the National Association of Police Organizations Leadership, the president said:
In cities across the nation, we’ve also seen police officers assaulted with bricks, rocks, bats, Molotov cocktails, frozen bottles of water.
Somebody said last night, one of the protesters — I saw it — he said, 'It’s only water. How can water hurt you?' Yeah, they don’t say it’s frozen, in a bottle the size of a football. And they throw it at the police. It’s unbelievable. 'It’s water.'
And then they have cans of soup. Soup. And they throw the cans of soup. That’s better than a brick because you can’t throw a brick; it’s too heavy. But a can of soup, you can really put some power into that, right? 
And then, when they get caught, they say, 'No, this is soup for my family.' They’re so innocent. 'This is soup for my family.' It’s incredible.
And you have people coming over with bags of soup — big bags of soup. And they lay it on the ground, and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops, at our police.
And if it hits you, that’s worse than a brick because that’s got force. It’s the perfect size. It’s, like, made perfect
And when they get caught, they say, 'No, this is just soup for my family.' And then the media says, 'This is just soup. These people are very, very innocent. They’re innocent people. These are just protesters. Isn’t it wonderful to allow protesting?'

It's hard to know exactly what Trump has a grievance with here. Is it the protesters or the soup? Regardless, the bonkers rant has been widely ridiculed on social media.

There was the inevitable comparison to the famous 'Soup Nazi' episode from Seinfeld.

It's amazing that this took so long to come to light but we can at least be thankful that it is in the world now. We can't wait to see what Joe Biden will make of this

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