Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Chadwick Boseman took money out of his own salary to boost Sienna Miller’s pay on ’21 Bridges’

(Credit: STXfilms) Far Out Staff·September 29, 2020

Sienna Miller has revealed that her co-star Chadwick Boseman took money out of his own salary in order to boost her pay in an eye-opening glimpse into the pay disparity within Hollywood.

Miller, who worked alongside Boseman on Brian Kirk’s 2019 film 21 Bridges, has been reflecting on her friend’s generosity following his tragic death. Boseman recently passed away at the young age of 43 having lost his battle with colon cancer. The Black Panther actor died in his Los Angeles home alongside his wife and family in a tragic story which rocked the film industry.

Remembering Boseman, Miller explained how his extreme drive to create a genuine balance emerged during the filming of 21 Bridges, a project which would be one of the actor’s final ever roles. “He produced 21 Bridges, and had been really active in trying to get me to do it,” she told Empire. “He was a fan of my work, which was thrilling, because it was reciprocated from me to him, tenfold.

Miller added: “So he approached me to do it, he offered me this film, and it was at a time when I really didn’t want to work anymore. I’d been working non-stop and I was exhausted, but then I wanted to work with him.”

While the film also starred the likes of Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Mike Larocca, Robert Simonds and more, Boseman—who was secretly battling cancer at the time—went out of his way to try and ensure iller received a better pay for her work: “I didn’t know whether or not to tell this story, and I haven’t yet. But I am going to tell it, because I think it’s a testament to who he was,” she explained.

“This was a pretty big budget film, and I know that everybody understands about the pay disparity in Hollywood, but I asked for a number that the studio wouldn’t get to. And because I was hesitant to go back to work and my daughter was starting school and it was an inconvenient time, I said, ‘I’ll do it if I’m compensated in the right way’. And Chadwick ended up donating some of his salary to get me to the number that I had asked for. He said that that was what I deserved to be paid.”

Miller continued: “It was about the most astounding thing that I’ve experienced. That kind of thing just doesn’t happen. He said, ‘You’re getting paid what you deserve, and what you’re worth.’

“It’s just unfathomable to imagine another man in that town behaving that graciously or respectfully. In the aftermath of this I’ve told other male actor friends of mine that story and they all go very very quiet and go home and probably have to sit and think about things for a while. But there was no showiness, it was, ‘Of course I’ll get you to that number, because that’s what you should be paid.’

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