Monday, September 28, 2020



Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden releases new ad targeting Trump’s alleged tax avoidance

*Within 24 hours of news that President Trump allegedly paid less taxes than regular working folk on millions of dollars in income, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign has responded with a new ad.

The video posted on Twitter compares the amount of taxes that regular folk like teachers, firefighters and nurses typically pay compared to Trump’s alleged tax bill.

“Teachers paid $7,239. Firefighters paid $5,283. Nurses paid $10,216. Donald Trump paid $750,” the 30-second spot points out. As of Monday morning at 9 a.m. ET, the video had more than 2.2 million views on Twitter.

There’s no word from the vice president’s campaign if they plan to put money behind the spot to run on digital or TV.

Watch below or view here on Twitter.

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