Monday, September 07, 2020

Germany: Right-wing extremists dominate anti-virus protests

©Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH

Germany: Right-wing extremists dominate anti-virus protests - A man holds up the German imperial flag during a demonstration against coronavirus measures. Right-wing extremists gave speeches at 90 demonstrations protesting against measures to contain the coronavirus this year, according to Germany's domestic security agency. - Fabian Sommer/dpa

Right-wing extremists gave speeches at 90 demonstrations protesting against measures to contain the coronavirus this year, according to Germany's domestic security agency.

In recent months, the country has seen major demonstrations and rallies against regulations introduced to prevent the spread of the virus.

In late August, tens of thousands of people gathered in Berlin to demonstrate against health measures, protesting against what they called "coronavirus dictatorship" and "corona madness."

Among them were groups of self-declared Reichsbuerger (Reich citizens), who deny the legitimacy of the modern-day German state, chanting and carrying posters and leaflets. There were also smaller groups of neo-Nazis and right-wing extremists.

Members of the far-right Alternative for Germany party have also been seen at the rallies and protests.

While large gatherings in Berlin have captured headlines, regionally, the eastern state of Saxony Anhalt saw the most protests with right-wing speakers, the security agency said. The eastern state saw more than a third of the protests dominated or led by right wingers from April 25 to August 10.

The agency noted there had also been two protests in the western cities of Essen and Dusseldorf in July, with several hundred people gathering to oppose government health measures.

Often, such protests were not registered by organizations but by individuals, the agency said. Some were not registered in advance at all.

The agency provided the figures in response to a question posed by the Left Party parliamentary group.

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