Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mass arrests of protesters began in Belarus: security officials use water cannons

Protest action in Minsk brutally dispersed by riot police
23 September 2020
Source : 112 Ukraine

Radio Svoboda

Radio Svoboda

Radio Svoboda

At the stele "Minsk - Hero City" Belarusian security forces began to disperse the protesters against the inauguration of Alexander Lukashenko with water cannons, as TUT.BY writes about this.

According to journalists, dozens of people have already been detained in Minsk. The security forces pushed the people away from the stele, and they were divided into two groups. It is also reported that hundreds of people are starting to walk towards the stele, besides this, in at least five districts of the capital of the Republic of Belarus, people began to gather at key points and go to the city center. At the same time, problems with the Internet began in Minsk.

It is also known that at least two water cannons drove up to the stele and they began to water people. In addition, a convoy of trucks of internal troops and special equipment appeared in the center of the city. The arrived servicemen and riot policemen cordoned off the approaches to the stele "Minsk - Hero City" and began to drive out the protesters from there.

As we reported before, authorities of Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Estonia have not recognized Alexander Lukashenko as head of the Republic of Belarus.

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