Sunday, September 13, 2020

POTUS Threatens Aggressive Crackdown On Any Anti-Trump ‘Riots’ Spurred By Possible Reelection
President Donald Trump stops to talk to reporters as he departs the White House for a trip to Ohio on August 6, 2020. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

By Cristina Cabrera
September 11, 2020 4:03 p.m.

President Donald Trump threatened militaristic crackdowns on any potential “riots” that break out on November 3 if he were to win reelection.

In a preview clip of Fox News host Jeanine Pirro’s interview with Trump set to air in full on Saturday, Pirro asked the President what he would do if his victory sparked an uproar among the anti-Trump crowd on Election Day.

“We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that,” Trump responded. “We have the right to do that. We have the power to do that, if we want.”

He described the potential protests as would-be “insurrection.”

“We just send in … and we do it very easy,” Trump said without specifying what agencies or enforcement would be dispatched. “I mean, it’s very easy.”

“I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes. Within minutes,” he added.

Trump’s warning fall in line with his past claims of having the “right” to exert strongman tactics against dissidents, from protesters to states that don’t reopen as quickly as he demands amid COVID-19.

Watch the President below:

Trump says if people riot if he wins the elections, he'll "put them down very quickly."
— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) September 11, 2020

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