Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Spoiled Rich Kid Jared Kushner Needs to Keep His Silver-Spooned Yap Shut


Asshat.Screenshot: CNBC

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand

Lord, don’t they help themselves, oh

On Thursday, Jared Kushner, when asked about the NBA players’ protests for racial justice on CNBC, made a pointed remark:

“The NBA players are very fortunate that they have the financial position where they’re able to take a night off from work without having to have the consequences to themselves financially.”

Look, someone at Fox News needs to coordinate these right-wing talking points better because that directly contradicts Deadspin superfan Laura Ingraham.

Kushner, son of a rich criminal who married the daughter of another, has never worked an honest day in his life, is a man who has created horrible financial consequences to countless people in this country, both from his work as White House senior advisor but also as the owner of several rental properties, his shitty antics detailed in season two of the Netflix series Dirty Money entitled “Slumlord Millionaire.”
Using “intrusive construction” (such as constant, nightlong noises) to harass tenants in rent-stabilized apartments to move out and then jack the prices up.
Sending letters threatening tenants of eviction if their payments were late.
And if you can’t scare them out, you could always try choking them with lead dust.

Kushner’s comment is swollen with privilege and reveals a mindset of utter disdain.

As a member of the elite ruling class, Kushner comes pretty close to saying the quiet part out loud here: They should just be grateful that they’ve been allowed entrance to the rich kids’ club.

Never mind that NBA players make hard-earned salaries based on what a market with artificially imposed limits will bear. Is he forgetting the part where they’re supposed to pretend this is a true meritocracy?

In that Netflix docuseries by Alex Gibney, an investigator talked to a representative of Kushner Companies and questioned its predatory, harassing treatment of its tenants. He was told simply:

“We have a fiduciary duty to our ownership partners to collect as much money as we can.” In another scene, Kushner, owner of The New York Observer, brushes off a 20-year employee’s greeting by telling him, “I’d like to talk to you, but I have many far more important people here for me to talk to right now.”

Apparently he deems LeBron James important enough to talk with, as Kushner plans to call the Lakers superstar.

The problem for Jared is that when you’re The Translucent One, everyone can see right through you. Doubt LeBron has time for insignificant fools like you.
Chris Baud

Managing editor. Former N.Y. Daily Newser. Former broke poker player.

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