Monday, September 28, 2020

The amount Obama paid in federal taxes in first year of office compared to Trump is astonishing

Donald Trump paid just 750 dollars in taxes in both 2016 and 2017.

 by Joe Mellor
September 28, 2020
in World News

Donald Trump has been waging a legal battle to keep his tax returns hidden.

A New York Times report that President Donald Trump paid just 750 dollars (£578) in federal income tax the year he entered the White House — and, thanks to colossal losses, no income tax at all in 11 of the 18 years that the Times reviewed — served to raise doubts about Mr Trump’s self-image as a shrewd and successful businessman.

The newspaper said Mr Trump initially paid 95 million dollars (£74 million) in taxes over the 18 years it studied.

But he managed to recover most of that money by claiming, and receiving, a stunning 72.9 million dollar (£57.03 million) federal tax refund.

According to the Times, Mr Trump also pocketed 21.2 million dollars (£16.5 million) in state and local refunds, which are typically based on federal filings.

Mr Trump’s outsize refund became the subject of a now-long-standing Internal Revenue Service audit of his finances. The audit was widely known.

Mr Trump has claimed it was the very reason why he cannot release his returns. But the Times report is the first to identify the issue that was mainly in dispute.

As a result of the refund, Mr Trump paid an average 1.4 million dollars (£1.09 million) in federal taxes from 2000 to 2017, the Times reported.

By contrast, the average US taxpayer in the top 0.001% of earners paid about 25 million dollars (£19.5 million) annually over the same timeframe.
– Mr Trump has financed an extravagant lifestyle with the use of business expenses

From his homes, his aircraft – and 70,000 dollars (£54,786) on hair styling during his television show The Apprentice – Mr Trump has capitalised on cost incurred from his businesses to finance a luxurious lifestyle.

The Times noted that Mr Trump’s homes, planes and golf courses are part of the Trump family business and, as such, Mr Trump classified them as business expenses as well.

Because companies can write off business expenses as deductions, all such expenses have helped reduce Mr Trump’s tax liability.

What we know about Trump’s tax affairs is outlined below.
– Many of his best-known businesses are money-losers

The president has frequently pointed to his far-flung hotels, golf courses and resorts as evidence of his success as a developer and businessman. Yet these properties have been been draining money.

The Times reported that Mr Trump has claimed 315 million dollars (£246 million) in losses since 2000 on his golf courses, including the Trump National Doral near Miami, which he has portrayed as a crown jewel in his business empire.

Likewise, his Trump International Hotel in Washington has lost 55 million dollars (£43 million), the Times reported.
– Foreign visitors have helped support Mr Trump’s properties

Since Mr Trump began his presidential run, lobbyists, foreign governments and politicians have lavished significant sums of money on his properties, a spending spree that raised questions about its propriety and legality.

The Times report illustrates just how much that spending has been.

Since 2015, his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida has taken in five million dollars (£3.91 million) more a year from a surge in membership.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association spent at least 397,602 dollars (£311,469) in 2017 at Mr Trump’s Washington hotel.

Overseas projects have produced millions more for Mr Trump – three million dollars (£2.35 million) from the Philippines, 2.3 million dollars (£1.8 million) from India and one million dollars (£783,332) from Turkey.
– Mr Trump will face financial pressure as debts become due

Mr Trump seems sure to face heavy financial pressures from the enormous pile of debt he has absorbed.

The Times said the president appears to be responsible for 421 million dollars (£329 million) in loans, most of which will become due within four years.

On top of that, a 100 million dollar (£78.3 million) mortgage on Trump Tower in New York will become due in 2022.
Tax figures

Washington Post data reporter Christopher Ingraham tweeted the amount of Federal taxes paid by each president in first year of office going back to Ronald Regan. As you can see from the figures Barack Obama paid a huge amount more, 2,390 times what Trump paid, in taxes.

Obama paid $1,792,414 a lot more than any of the other Presidents on the list, but light years away from Trump’s minuscule tax return.

Ronald Reagan paid $165,202 – 220 times Trump

George H.W Bush $101,382 – 135 times Trump

Bill Clinton $62,670 – 84 times Trump

George W.Bush $250,221 – 334 times Trump

And the largest was Barack Obama who forked out a colossal 2,390 times what Trump paid.

For those, Trump himself, who might claim fake this is fake news the sources were also shared.

Donald Trump Faces Backlash For Past Tweets, Including One Attacking Barack Obama’s Taxes

Kristine Lofgren

After The New York Times published a bombshell report that claimed President Donald Trump hasn’t paid taxes in 10 out of 15 years because of debt, some of his tweets have come under renewed scrutiny.

One of those tweets from 2012, as The Independent reported, shows him slamming former President Barack Obama for paying 20.5 percent in taxes while earning $790k, which would normally put him in a higher bracket.

“@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes,” he wrote, “only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. Do as I say not as I do.”

The news outlet notes that while Obama would typically be expected to pay a higher rate, he had made thousands of dollars of donations to charity, which tends to lower tax responsibility.

Critics were quick to jump on the eight-year-old tweet with renewed backlash.

“Corruption and incomprehensible debt. I guess that means you made good on one campaign promise: To run the government like you run your businesses. I have some money here that I could contribute to help pay off your debts. Let me know where to send it,” tweeted one user with an image that appears to be fake money from a Trump-branded game.

Meanwhile, as The Inquisitr previously reported, Trump appears to have a different financial situation than he has claimed, with hundreds of millions of dollars in money owed to lenders. These losses have reportedly enabled him to not owe taxes for a majority of the past few decades. Of the years that he has paid, his bill was about $750.

Another 2012 tweet written by Trump shows him attacking the half of Americans who don’t pay federal taxes, linking to a Daily Mail story discussing the federal debt.

Some used the old message as a way to affirm why they would be voting for Trump’s opponent Joe Biden in the upcoming November election.

“The Bidens paid about $3.7 million and $1.5 in taxes for 2017 and 2018, respectively — about a third of their adjusted gross income. They gave roughly $1 million and $275,000 to charity in 2017 and 2018, respectively,” wrote one user.

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