Wednesday, September 23, 2020

'Violence For the Sake Of Violence': Minsk IT Worker Recounts 'Torture' In Belarusian Jail

September 23, 2020 
By Alena Litvinava
Tony Wesolowsky

Maksim Karalieuski joins a demonstration against the Belarusian government -- in Kyiv.

With his dog and cat by his side, Maksim Karaleuski stood in the square, the red-and-white flag of the first independent Belarusian republic draped over his shoulders, joining calls for Alyaksandr Lukashenka to step down.

Belarus has been rocked by protests since Lukashenka, in power for 26 years, was declared the winner of the August 9 presidential election, which critics charge was blatantly rigged.

Authorities have brutally suppressed many of the demonstrations in Minsk and elsewhere, detaining thousands and beating hundreds -- including Karaleuski, who was arrested as he bicycled home late on August 11, long after protests that day had ended.

But this time, Karaleuski did not fear arrest: He was in Kyiv, not Minsk, demonstrating alongside fellow Belarusians in Ukraine and other supporters of the protests against Lukashenka and his government.

Maksim Karaleuski wouldn't have left Belarus without his dog and cat.

Amid the current political turmoil, many firms in the IT sector, one of the few economic success stories in Belarus, have either moved or are contemplating it, taking their skilled employees with them. Other IT workers have decided on their own to leave, some after being swept up in the police crackdown on protests over the disputed election.

A survey in late August of 34 IT companies in Belarus by the tech news site found that 167 of their employees had been detained by security forces over just four days, August 9-12.

Karaleuski arrived in the Ukrainian capital earlier this month after a horrific night in Minsk's notorious Akrestina jail -- where "lawlessness and torture" reigned, he said.

"At the beginning of the night, they ordered us on our knees, and then put us in a different cell -- there were 127 people in there," he told RFE/RL's Belarus Service. "We didn't get any water, no food, it was very cold, but no one cared. We faced constant abuse. If you moved or asked for something, you could get slugged. If you asked for a lawyer, a fair trial, or disputed the police report, they could brutally beat you."

Karaleuski said he suffered beatings all over his body, his testimony echoing much of what others held there say they endured.

"I had bruises all over, on my back, legs, thighs, and face. When they detained me, they shaved a cross on the back of my head. I didn't know why or understand the reason because I have short hair. It was violence for the sake of violence," he explained. "They cut up my shorts and ordered me to unlock my phone. But they ended up doing it themselves, with my finger, because my phone has a fingerprint ID sensor."

'How Can This Be Our Country?': Claims Of Torture Abound As Belarusian Jails Swell

Karaleuski was relatively fortunate: He was freed the next day, on August 12, along with some others. Their release seemed timed to a visit to the jail by Deputy Interior Minister Alyaksandr Barsukou -- who had himself been accused of beating detainees at Akrestina -- that seemed aimed to quiet charges of alleged torture inside.

Freed, Karaleuski and his lawyer documented his injuries and hoped to file a complaint, in what would be a fruitless effort.

"I went to the Investigative Committee about the illegal detention and beatings. My lawyer and I were able to get confirmation of the beatings at the State Service of Medical Forensic Expertise, but [the Investigative Committee] did not respond. There was no movement at all on the matter," he said. "They never called me in to give testimony."

Lucky To Get Out

Shortly after that, Karaleuski, an orphan whose only relative in Minsk is his grandmother, decided it was time to take his pets and leave Belarus as the authorities began rounding up opposition leaders or forcing them to flee the country -- including presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, now in Lithuania, who claims she was the real winner of the election.

"When there was news that the Ukrainian government would facilitate the resettlement of Belarusians -- it was on September 3 -- I decided to move. I had an invitation to work, but at the border I wasn't asked about it. I only showed my passport and COVID-19 insurance. They did not ask for anything else," Karaleuski said. "It was good timing, because afterward I heard that at the border they began to ask for certain documents. But I was lucky."

He worried that his dog, Ostsin (Austin), and his cat, Palina (Pauline) wouldn't be so lucky – but they also made it to Ukraine.

"Of course, it wasn't easy, but I wouldn't abandon them at any cost and was ready to do whatever was necessary to make sure we all got across the border successfully. However, there were no problems at the border. I brought them in. They rode in the minibus quietly, resting the whole trip. We were able to cross the border because we had everything – [identity] chips, vaccines, passports, documents," Karaleuski said.

A Big Loss

The exodus of IT workers and businesses has dealt a further blow to the Belarusian economy, already negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also been crippled by strike actions connected with the anti-Lukashenka protests and a run on the banks, as jittery Belarusians withdraw deposits as the Belarusian ruble tumbles.

An online survey found that at least 12 IT companies were completely relocating, 59 partially relocating, and 112 examining options for moving.

Hit Escape: The IT Companies Leaving Belarus

"The Belarusian IT sector makes up 6.2 percent of the country's GDP, and more than 13 percent of the service sector. More than 90 percent of IT services are used by foreign clients. So they bring in foreign-currency revenue. It's big money," Dzyanis Maroz, an IT consultant, recently told Current Time, a Russian-language channel led by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA.

The Minsk Hi-Tech Park is home to 750 companies, or was. It was founded by Valer Tsapkala, who sought to challenge Lukashenka but was barred from the ballot for reasons he contends were groundless and politically motivated and fled Belarus a few weeks before the disputed election. He said he'd been threatened by state prosecutors.

"The high-tech sector, it's all about trust, not about expensive hardware or equipment. How can you build anything if trust has been violated?" Tsapkala told RFE/RL in August. "There's no trust in the government, in Lukashenka's words anymore."

That sentiment is echoed by Karaleuski, who said he also didn't want to support a "usurper" -- a word many Belarusians who believe the election was stolen use to refer to Lukashenka.

"I came here so I could express my opinions openly and not pay taxes to the usurper of power," he explained, adding that he hadn't shut the door on his homeland.

"If the regime changes, I will gladly return to Belarus to work in a new country," he said.
Written by Tony Wesolowsky based on reporting by Alena Litvinava of RFE/RL's Belarus Service

Software Engineer Reports Sexual Assault In Police Van, Seeks Justice

TUT.BY journalists talked to a 30-year-old programmer Ales [name has been changed – BelarusFeed note] in the emergency care hospital in Minsk soon after the violent dispersal of post-election protests on 9-12 August. The injured were taken there from police departments and detention facilities on Okrestin Street.

At the time he could not and did not want to talk about what happened to him after the arrest. But after filing a complaint with the Investigative Committee, leaving abroad and publishing his testimony in a Human Rights Watch report, he agreed to talk about his plans to seek justice.

He pushed the stick into my anus

Ales was arrested near Minsk Hero City Stele on the evening of 11 August. Riot police were detaining random bystanders there, and that’s how he ended up in a paddy wagon. Later Ales shared his horrifying story with the activists of Human Rights Watch. Below is an excerpt of it:

[Riot police] demanded that I unlock my phone. I refused. They called a senior officer. He threatened that unless I cooperate, he’d stick his truncheon up my [ass]. He then cut my shorts and my underwear on the back, crosswise, and called out to his officers asking whether anyone had a condom. I was on the floor, face down, but I could see him pull the condom on the truncheon – and then he just pushed the stick into my anus…. Then, he pulled it out and demanded the password again. He kicked and punched me on my ribs, on my face, on my teeth – my two front teeth cracked a bit,” the man recalled the events of that evening.

There were other detainees in the paddy wagon who saw and heard what was happening to Ales. Ales is convinced that it will not be a problem to find witnesses if needed. The paddy wagon brought the detainees to the Zavodskoy District Department of Internal Affairs. There, either lying on the grass or kneeling at the wall with his hands tied behind his back, Ales spent all night and all the next day.

The cut clothes were constantly falling off, and he was allowed to take a jacket that one of the detainees offered him. After that, Ales and the others were sent to a detention facility on Okrestsin Street. There, the guards asked who needed medical help. Soon the man was taken by an ambulance to the emergency hospital.

Evil and cruelty must be punished

At the hospital, Ales was diagnosed with a mild closed craniocerebral injury, brain concussion, left paraorbital hematoma, left chest contusion, subcutaneous hematoma of the perineum, subcutaneous hematoma in the right thigh, intramucosal hemorrhages of the rectum.

The authenticity of the epicrisis was confirmed to TUT.BY by Abdul Al Audi, Ales’s attending physician from the trauma department No. 1 of the emergency hospital. In the hospital, a psychologist also worked with Ales – a standard practice for victims of sexual violence. As soon as Ales was discharged, he went to see a lawyer and submited a complaint with the Investigative Committee of the Central District of Minsk.

“I submitted the application on 20 August. Then I was sent for a forensic examination. About a week later, the investigator called me in for an additional questioning, to clarify the details. After that, no one contacted me, but yesterday, on 17 September, the representatives of the Central Office of the Investigative Committee called my lawyer,” said Ales.

He stressed that in his statement , he described the circumstances of his injuries in as much detail as possible. Ales is determined to bring the case to trial. The point is not even that he was subjected to such humiliation: “It’s just that evil and cruelty must be punished.”

“Everything that happened looks like a planned act of intimidation, given the number of victims and the nature of the injuries. The Ministry of Internal Affairs actually covering for its employees who have committed a lot of crimes,” he says.

Ales left the country – in Belarus, a victim can easily become a suspect. He will continue to work with the Investigative Committee through his lawyer. The Investigative Committee confirmed that his statement was received, and is currently being investigated.

Official version

27 August

The Investigative Committee received no complaints of sexual assault neither from men nor from women. The investigators also received no data on rectal injuries among men or injuries to female genital organs, the official representative of the Investigative Committee Sergey Kabakovich told TUT.BY.

16 September

The Investigative Committee of Belarus had received no complaints of rape by police officers during protest actions, First Deputy Internal Affairs Minister, Head of Criminal Police Gennady Kazakevich said at a press conference. He described the information on the rapes as fake. “One can not rape in a paddy wagon,” he said.

18 September

There are no registered official allegations of sexual violence against the detainees, Belarus Permanent Representative Yury Ambrazevich said during a debate in the UN Human Rights Council.

Unofficial version 

The BY_Help initiative, which helps detained, fined, wounded and beaten Belarusians, including Ales, has other information.

“We have data on at least five cases of sexual violence in very similar circumstances. At the moment, the information received is being checked, but we are already helping these people,” said Andrey Strizhak.

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