Saturday, October 31, 2020

AOC Says She Doubts 'Spineless' Lindsey Graham 'Believes in Anything'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) slammed the "spinelessness" of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Friday in response to a remark that his Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison supports her "radical agenda" on environmental issues.

Graham touted his membership in the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus while warning that going "down the AOC road" could "destroy the economy" during a final debate with Harrison on Friday. In a tweet responding to a video of Graham's remarks, Ocasio-Cortez declined to directly address the senator's "climate denialism" while launching a blistering attack on what she believes is his lack of

"@LindseyGrahamSC I'm not sure you believe in *anything* except preserving yourself," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "& let's not get started on your climate denial. I've seen a lot of spinelessness in DC, but you're at the top when it comes to folding on your own values like a wet napkin. SC deserves better."

.@LindseyGrahamSC I’m not sure you believe in *anything* except preserving yourself. & let’s not get started on your climate denial.

I’ve seen a lot of spinelessness in DC, but you’re at the top when it comes to folding on your own values like a wet napkin.

SC deserves better. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) October 31, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez have had several public arguments in the past. Last year, Graham called Ocasio-Cortez and like-minded progressives "a bunch of communists" who "hate our own country." The congresswoman responded that Graham's "biggest issue" with President Donald Trump's "racism" is that "it doesn't go far enough," while insisting that he "wants to bring back 1950s McCarthyism, too."

Graham is locked in what has become a closer-than-expected battle to retain his seat against Harrison, with some recent polls showing the Democrat tied or even slightly ahead in heavily Republican South Carolina.

While Graham attempted to tie Harrison's environmental policy to that of Ocasio-Cortez, the candidate does not support the Green New Deal that the congresswoman is known for, calling it "expensive, not feasible and highly partisan," in and interview with The Charleston Post and Courier. However, he did offer a firm dismissal of Graham's record on climate change while denouncing the senator for sponsoring a 2012 bill to allow energy companies to drill off the coast of South Carolina.

"The senator said that he's a member of the Climate Solutions Caucus that has no solutions," Harrison said during the debate. "Where's the bill, where's the act, how are we dramatically reducing carbon emissions in this country? I don't see it... Where are the solutions? Here's Senator Graham's solution—the South Carolina Offshore Drilling Act."

"Nobody wants to look out their window to see oil rigs off the coast of Charleston," he added. "But our senator is the one waving the flag, 'Here oil and gas company, you can drill off of our coast.' Not on Jaime Harrison's watch."

There is only one way to guarantee there won't be a tragic oil spill on our beautiful coastline:

🗣️ STOP DRILLING FOR OIL 🗣️ — Jaime Harrison (@harrisonjaime) October 30, 2020

A debate between the candidates planned for October 9 was called off after Graham refused to be tested for COVID-19 before the event, which followed an outbreak of the virus among top Republicans, some of whom serve alongside Graham on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The virus was an issue in their final debate, with Harrison accusing the incumbent of focusing on partisan Washington, D.C. politics while thousands in South Carolina died, including Harrison's aunt, while "over 750,000 people" lost jobs as a result of the pandemic.

Graham has accused his challenger of using misleading campaign ads against him, including some that encourage conservatives to vote for a third party candidate who remains on the ballot but dropped out of the race and endorsed Graham. The Senate race is the most expensive in the nation, with the Harrison campaign raising over $109 million, according to The Greenville News.

Newsweek reached out to Graham's office for comment.

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Ocasio-Cortez responds to Lindsey Graham debate swipe: You folded 'like a wet napkin'
Kaelan Deese 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Saturday responded to Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-S.C.) debate swipe against her the previous night, saying the GOP senator folded "like a wet napkin."
© UPI Photo Ocasio-Cortez responds to Lindsey Graham debate swipe: You folded 'like a wet napkin'

During Graham's final debate against his Democratic challenger, Jaime Harrison, the incumbent senator said his rival would go "down the AOC road" on South Carolina's climate policy, warning it would be devastating to the state's economy.

Ocasio-Cortez tore into the longtime GOP lawmaker in a tweet Saturday, writing, "I'm not sure you believe in *anything* except preserving yourself. & let's not get started on your climate denial."

"I've seen a lot of spinelessness in DC, but you're at the top when it comes to folding on your own values like a wet napkin. SC deserves better," Ocasio-Cortez added.

Friday's debate in South Carolina was not the first time the incumbent senator took a jab at the New York congresswoman.

In 2019, he called her and other progressive lawmakers "anti-America" communists, prompting a retort from Ocasio-Cortez.

"I see @LindseyGrahamSC's biggest issue w/ Trump's racism is that it doesn't go far enough," she tweeted at the time, accusing him of rhetoric akin to 1950s McCarthyism.

Democrats have long lambasted Graham and accused him of hypocrisy over his reversal on supporting President Trump, whom he called a "kook" before he won the 2016 election. Graham has since become one of Trump's staunchest defenders on Capitol Hill.

During the debate Friday night, Graham defended his stance on climate and the environment, saying, "I'm in the Climate Solutions Caucus" and that he has "worked to set aside lands all over this state so future generations can enjoy it."

"If I'm in the Senate, we'll work for solutions to help the environment without destroying the economy," Graham said.

Harrison called Graham's response empty-handed, saying, "The senator said that he's a member of the Climate Solutions Caucus that has no solutions."

"Nobody wants to look out their window to see oil rigs off the coast of Charleston," he added. "But our senator is the one waving the flag: 'Here, oil and gas company. You can drill off of our coast.' Not on Jaime Harrison's watch."

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