Sunday, October 04, 2020

'Back into the fire again': Foothills nurses return to work amid COVID-19 outbreaks
Author of the article:Jason Herring
Publishing date:Oct 03, 2020 •
Foothills Medical Centre. Friday, Oct. 2, 2020. PHOTO BY BRENDAN MILLER/POSTMEDIA

Some registered nurses are returning to work at Foothills Medical Centre as COVID-19 outbreaks continue to grow at the Calgary hospital.

To date, the Foothills outbreaks have impacted seven units, infected 72 people and led to the deaths of six patients.

The return to work is inspiring mixed feelings among nurses, the union representing the nurses said Saturday.

“We’re all going through a very tough time and the distress that each and every one of us feels, it comes in many different ways,” said Wayne Stopa, vice-president of the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) Local #115.

“Having to go back into the fire again after being told you couldn’t take care of your patients is a little hard to do, but that’s what we do. … There’s gonna be some moral distress from health-care workers and I’m sure from many Albertans, so I hope we all get through it.”

Since the start of the novel coronavirus outbreaks at Foothills, at least 300 health-care workers have been ordered to isolate due to connections to positive cases or hospital units with reported outbreaks. That list includes registered nurses as well as staff like physicians and licensed practical nurses.

Stopa said some staff began isolating on Sept. 17, and those who have now been isolating for at least 14 days are “starting to trickle back” into the workforce.

The returns are expected to relieve some concerns around staffing, but Stopa added worries about a depleted and burned-out workforce persist.

“It’s going to help fill up some of the holes that are there,” Stopa said. “It’s not going to completely fix it because, as we’ve said, even before the outbreaks and before COVID started, we were short-staffed anyway. Anything that takes away from staffing is from the bare minimum.”

Another issue plaguing Foothills staff has been sick pay, with some forced to use banked sick days while isolating. Other casual workers took a financial hit from missing shifts while isolating.

A federal bill that includes expansions to sick leave benefits received royal assent Friday, but Stopa said it was too early to know whether Alberta nurses would be able to take advantage of the new benefits. He said the UNA was still looking to Alberta Health Services to do right by their employees.

“We’re going to be looking at all our members being supported in the same way, whether they’re casuals or regular employees,” Stopa said.

AHS has said employees directed to self-isolate will receive compensation, if eligible under their collective bargaining agreements or employment contracts.

Foothills did not provide an update on the status of its outbreaks Saturday.

On Friday, AHS announced a sixth patient at the hospital had died of COVID-19 in connection with the outbreaks.

As well, new infections were announced in two patients, two health-care workers and two visitors. In total, 36 patients, 31 staff and five visitors have now tested positive for the coronavirus.

A seventh unit, general medicine Unit 62, was also added to the list of units with at least one confirmed case.

AHS has not said how the outbreak is thought to have started.

“Multiple teams are working daily to determine where the infection may have started, how it was transmitted and who needs to be contacted and tested to limit exposure,” AHS said in a statement Friday.

The next update on case counts at Foothills is expected Monday afternoon.

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