Friday, November 13, 2020

Dye Another Day? Trump’s Hair Dominates Talk in First Public Speech Since Election Loss

J. Clara Chan The Wrap November 13, 2020

President Donald Trump on Friday made his first public speech since losing the presidential election to Joe Biden, and viewers on social media were quick to notice that the president’s hair looked much more…natural.

Giving an update on the government’s Operation Warp Speed to combat the coronavirus pandemic from the White House’s Rose Garden, Trump appeared at the podium with his typical combover, but instead of the typical yellow-blond hue he sports, his hair looked noticeably white.

“Is it my TV or is Trump’s hair not looking it’s [sic] usual dog-piss yellow today?” former Republican strategist Ana Navarro-Cárdenas tweeted.

Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, tweeted, “The person who dyes Donald Trump’s hair yellow must have found another job.”

Also Read: Kellyanne Conway Electoral Vote Tweet From 2016 Comes Back to Haunt Her

During his remarks on Friday, Trump did not repeat his false claims that he won the election but did allude to the possibility that another administration would be managing the pandemic, including any further shutdowns.

“I will not go — this administration will not be going to a lockdown,” he said. “Hopefully, whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration it will be, I guess time will tell.”

He concluded his remarks without taking any questions from the assembled press corps.

Take a look at some of the responses below to Trump’s gray-white hair.

Is it my TV or is Trump’s hair not looking it’s usual dog-piss yellow today?
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) November 13, 2020

evidently losing the election has made Trump’s hair go white
— Natasha Noman | نتاشانعمان 🏳️‍🌈 (@NatashaNoman) November 13, 2020

Trump’s hair looking like Henry Bowers’s after he saw the Deadlights.
— Kris Tapley (@kristapley) November 13, 2020

Trump's hair is now white. His face is still orange.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) November 13, 2020

I will say something nice about the president: he should never have been putting all of that Joker hair dye in his hair. Gray looks more normal.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) November 13, 2020

Trump's hair is now white. His face is still orange.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) November 13, 2020

Oddly, Trump is suddenly no longer blonde. His hair appears to have turned gray since Election Day
— Frida Ghitis (@FridaGhitis) November 13, 2020

oh dear. judging by his hair color, trump is at the Listening To Phoebe Bridgers stage of his depression. if he starts tweeting lil peep lyrics we are in trouble
— Dan Ozzi (@danozzi) November 13, 2020

BREAKING: Trump’s hair decides it’s time to leave the White House (and his head, for good). #Election2020results.
— Tim Walker (@ThatTimWalker) November 7, 2020

Read original story Dye Another Day? Trump’s Hair Dominates Talk in First Public Speech Since Election Loss At TheWrap

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