Monday, November 23, 2020

Climate change is only going to make health crises like coronavirus more frequent and worse

Ibrahim AlHusseini , Opinion Contributor
Thousands of school students from across Sydney attend the global #ClimateStrike rally at Town Hall in Sydney, Australia. AAP Image/Dean Lewins/via REUTERS

Climate change is only going to make pandemics like coronavirus more frequent.

Climate change is also going to cause a slew of other health issues for people around the world.

In order to combat these devastating effects, we need to address climate change.

Ibrahim AlHusseini is the founder and CEO of FullCycle, an investment firm focused on addressing the climate crisis.

While the world is currently facing down the COVID-19 pandemic, until we address an even broader issue — climate change — we'll likely face additional pandemics for years to come.

Scientists have long warned that climate change will impact not just our environment, but also our health by increasing rates of infectious disease.

Indeed, there's more than just water trapped in the ice caps and permafrost of high latitudes: as recently as 2015, researchers identified 28 previously undiscovered virus groups in a melting glacier. These harmful pathogens could make their way into streams, rivers, and waterways as the ice caps melt, wreaking havoc on our immune systems that have no natural resistance to these ancient diseases.

If the COVID-19 outbreak is any indication, that future may now be our reality – which is why we have to act on climate change.

As early as 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cited climate change as a severe risk to human health. Those findings initially received backlash: What could the climate have to do with health? But today it's clear that the criticisms – not the climate science – were baseless.

The 2001 IPCC report's findings are now accepted as fact by pillars of the healthcare community, including the World Health Organization and, even recently, the US Department of Defense. The question is no longer if climate change will impact our health. The question is, how badly will climate change impact our health?

We're already seeing the consequences today.

It's estimated that 90% of the world's children breathe toxic air every day. With health experts warning that these pollutants are damaging the developing lungs of children, it's no surprise that many now believe these toxins could also increase the risk of respiratory tract infections – including from viruses like the novel coronavirus.

In the US, extreme heat causes more death annually than all other weather events combined – and cities are getting the worst of it. These "urban heat islands" are associated with a much higher risk of death on warm summer days.

Climate change leads to more food insecurity, and as a result, experts predict that humans will seek out alternative food sources like bushmeat and bats. Consumption of these animals leads to disease outbreaks and is even potentially to blame for coronavirus.

Then there's excessive rainfall and high humidity. Both are risk factors for the spread of waterborne diseases like malaria.

Research suggests that even an increase of 2 to 3 degrees Celsius would increase the at-risk population by 3% to 5%, putting tens of millions of more people in danger, including large parts of the southern United States. And a 2013 paper found that the likelihood of early and severe influenza seasons increase following warmer than average winters. With this year's winter being abnormally warm, we need to prepare for the possibility that coronavirus could come back with a vengeance in the fall.

Construction of new roads, mines, and hunting reserves is driving previously wild animals into contact with humans, leading to cross-contamination and infections from diseases like SARS, Avian Flu, and HIV.

These viruses do not disappear along with the habitats and animals they once inhabited; they tend to search for a new host – which all too often becomes us. As Eric Roston noted in a recent Bloomberg article, "unlike measles or polio, there is no vaccine for ecosystem destruction."

The good news is that these scenarios are by no means inevitable. But to avoid them, we need our elected leaders to inform the public about the connection between pandemics like COVID-19, and climate change. Because climate change is a problem we can solve, but only if we show the kind of international energy and cooperation that we are beginning to see in the fight against coronavirus.

As we head into the fall election in the US, and President Trump and former Vice President Biden debate their plans to confront this pandemic and the next one, both men would benefit from offering concrete steps to address the climate crisis. And businesses, even those who depend on fossil fuels, need to realize that the health of their customers and employees will suffer if they keep opposing climate-friendly policies and candidates.

We no longer need vague promises from our leaders: we need decisive action. Unless that happens, COVID-19 could be a harbinger of things to come.

Ibrahim AlHusseini is a venture capitalist, entrepreneur, and environmentalist. He is the founder and CEO of FullCycle, an investment firm harnessing proven technologies that accelerate solutions to the climate crisis.

This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author(s).
\Read the original article on Opinion Contributor. Copyright 2020.

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