Friday, November 20, 2020

Gut immune cells may help send MS into remission


Research News

An international research team led by UCSF scientists has shown, for the first time, that gut immune cells travel to the brain during multiple sclerosis (MS) flare-ups in patients. These gut cells seem to be playing a protective role, helping drive MS symptoms back into remission.

Scientists know that in MS, other types of immune cells go haywire and attack myelin, crucial insulation material that helps nerve cells communicate with one another quickly and reliably. The resulting damage leads to periodic MS attacks that can leave patients struggling with vision loss, memory problems, pain and other symptoms. These "relapse" symptoms often subside on their own after days or weeks, but medical experts still don't have a good understanding of what flips the switch from flare-up to remission and back again.

The new findings, published November 20, 2020 in Science Immunology, suggest that an unexpected new player might help bring flare-ups under control: immune cells from the gut that express a type of antibody called IgA. In the gut, these cells serve as a critical first line of defense against foreign invaders and, scientists think, help keep the teeming bacteria of our gut microbiome from growing out of control. Recently, a UCSF-led international research team made the surprising discovery that, in animal models of MS, these gut immune cells leave the digestive system and travel to the brain where they appear to help cut inflammation.

"It was a very new idea," said Sergio Baranzini, PhD, a professor of neurology and member of the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, lead author on the new study. "Nobody thought to look for this type of immune cell."

Now the team, including scientists in Canada, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, has gone a step further, finding traces of the IgA antibody in the cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients during flare-ups, but not when episodes are in remission. They also found signs of IgA-producing immune cells in donated postmortem brain tissue that had been damaged during MS attacks. The findings confirm for the first time that gut immune cells are involved in MS relapses in humans.

"Only at the time of an attack was there an increase in these cells and the antibodies they produce," Baranzini said. "That really caught our attention."

In the hopes of determining what these gut immune cells were doing in the brain, the team then looked to see what kinds of molecules the IgA antibody reacted to. Recent research has provided evidence that an unhealthy gut microbiome plays a role in MS, when certain potentially damaging species of bacteria proliferate. While the team found that IgA did not bind to myelin protein, it did bind to some of these harmful bacteria species, suggesting that, unlike other immune cells, which are known to cause damage in MS, IgA-expressing immune cells play a protective role, possibly chasing these harmful bacteria to the brain and mounting a defense against them there.

"This opens up a whole new line of research," said Anne-Katrin Pröbstel, MD, a former UCSF postdoctoral researcher, now at the University of Basel in Switzerland and first author on the paper. "I think it has huge potential for therapeutics."

Collaborations within the UCSF Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine allowed researchers to work with the various bacteria thought to be hallmarks of the MS microbiome, and the work relied heavily on data and biological samples collected through the multidisciplinary UCSF EPIC Study, which has followed hundreds of MS patients over 16 years.

"I think UCSF is one of the only places where we could have done this, because of the access to patient samples that allow us to look at bacteria in the gut, immune cells from the blood, immune cells from the spinal fluid and brain tissue," said Pröbstel. "It's really a unique resource."


See study online for a full list of authors, funding information, and relevant disclosures.

About UCSF: The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is exclusively focused on the health sciences and is dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care. It includes UCSF Health, which comprises three top-ranked hospitals, as well as affiliations throughout the Bay Area. Learn more at, or see our Fact Sheet.

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Gut-brain axis influences multiple sclerosis


Research News

A Basel-led international research team has discovered a connection between the intestinal flora and sites of inflammation in the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis. A specific class of immune cell plays a central role in this newly identified gut-brain axis. The discovery could pave the way for new treatments for MS that target the intestinal flora.

What do you do when your own immune system attacks your nervous system? Newer treatments for the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS) rely on removing specific immune cells (B cells) from the blood of patients. However, researchers at both the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel discovered several years ago that it's better not to remove too broad a range of B cells, as this can aggravate the disease.

A new study in the journal Science Immunology sheds more light on this observation: an international team of researchers, led by Dr. Anne-Katrin Pröbstel at the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel, has discovered that specific B cells form a kind of bridge between the intestinal flora and the sites of inflammation in the central nervous system, exerting an anti-inflammatory effect.

"We knew from earlier studies that the composition of intestinal flora plays a role in MS. But how exactly intestinal bacteria and immune cells influence one another was previously unknown," explains Pröbstel, the study's lead author.

Immune cells for gut and brain

At the heart of the new study are IgA-producing B cells, or IgA B cells in short. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a class of antibodies that specializes in immune defense of mucous membranes; the IgA B cells are key to intestinal health.

By analyzing stool samples from MS patients and healthy people, the researchers discovered that MS patients have IgA B cells in their intestines that target in particular bacteria typical of MS - i.e. bacteria that are more common in MS sufferers.

In a next step, the researchers analyzed the role of these immune cells during acute flares of the illness in a total of 56 MS patients. They found that IgA B cells accumulated in the cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue of MS patients with acute sites of inflammation. "Apparently, these immune cells migrate from the intestine to the inflammation sites in the central nervous system, where they release an anti-inflammatory messenger substance," says Pröbstel. "That could explain why the illness worsens if these immune cells are removed from the blood with medication."

Trigger still unknown

What exactly activates the IgA B cells as helpers against MS and triggers their migration from the intestine to the central nervous system is still being investigated. "If we find the trigger for that, we could use it to treat MS," says Pröbstel. For example, it may be conceivable to change the composition of the intestinal flora of MS sufferers in a targeted way in order to mobilize IgA B cells as helpers against inflammation in the nervous system.

In addition to the University of Basel, other participants in the study included the University of California San Francisco, the Technical University of Munich, the universities of Heidelberg, Umeå (Sweden) and Toronto (Canada), and the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam. The study was funded among others by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Swiss National Science Foundation.


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