Tuesday, November 10, 2020

More than 70 Alberta doctors implore for 'sharp' lockdown; province reports another 644 cases
© Provided by Calgary Herald 
Masked commuters travel in downtown Calgary on Monday, November 9, 2020.

More than 70 of Alberta’s physicians, medical professionals and infectious disease specialists are pleading for a “sharp” two-week lockdown to slow the spread of COVID-19, giving contact tracers time to catch up and easing the pressures on the health-care system.

The short lockdown — referred to as a “circuit breaker” — would allow the government to better formulate targeted regional public health measures that would reduce the spread of infections, the health-care professionals said in a letter addressed to the premier Monday.

A circuit breaker is a temporary lockdown with a set end date, rather than an extended lockdown until cases drop past a certain point. It’s a strategy being used by several European governments to “reset” infection rates so public health authorities have time to plot the best path forward.

“We are deeply concerned over the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta. Over the last three weeks, we have watched the numbers of cases, hospitalizations and ICU admissions dramatically increase,” the medical professionals wrote in the letter.

While lockdowns and restrictions have a significant impact on people’s ability to earn an income and socialize with friends and family, it is “clear that a minimal impairment approach and requests to the people of Alberta to voluntarily stop holding social gatherings in their homes is unlikely to significantly slow the rate of spread,” the doctors explained.

The 74 people who signed the letter are intensive care physicians, emergency physicians, general internists, pulmonologists, infectious disease specialists and family physicians, primarily located in Edmonton and Calgary.

In their letter, group members critiqued the government’s limit on social gatherings of 15 people which expanded to all regions under COVID-19 watch, and the “strong request” to Calgarians and Edmontonians to stop inviting friends to their homes.

“There have been advances in the care of critically ill COVID-19 patients based on research over the last nine months that have resulted in significant reductions in mortality and time to recovery. However, if the rate of COVID-19 spread continues, the consequences to the people of Alberta will be catastrophic,” they said.

“If this rate of increase continues unabated, our acute care health system will be overrun in the near future.”

Acute care beds and operating rooms will be overtaken by COVID-19 patients sooner than later if the upward trend doesn’t stop, the medical professionals explained. Experience grappling with the pandemic in Europe and the United States shows that mortality rates of COVID-19 and other patients increase “dramatically” if these resources are overwhelmed.

During Monday’s update, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, said “all options are on the table for discussion,” which includes a circuit-breaker lockdown.
© Chris Schwarz/Government of Alberta 
Alberta’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw.

“I think the circuit-breaker idea is an interesting one; it’s what British Columbia announced this weekend and you’ll note they targeted some of the same kinds of activities that we are targeting here,” said Hinshaw.

Due to a dramatic spike in cases throughout Metro Vancouver, the British Columbia government banned indoor and outdoor social gatherings for two weeks so people cannot visit with others outside of their household.

In Alberta, another 644 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed during Monday’s update — with a positivity rate of about five per cent — bringing the total number of active cases to 7,965.

An additional 1,646 cases and 11 deaths were reported over the weekend, including a record-breaking 919 cases reported Saturday.

Hospitalizations continue to rise, which Hinshaw said is concerning, as 192 Albertans are reportedly in hospital, including 39 in intensive-care units.

Seven people died from COVID-19 on Sunday, bringing the provincial death toll to 369. One previous death was confirmed post-mortem as not linked to the novel coronavirus.

Among the deaths was a woman in her 90s at Extendicare Cedars Villa in Calgary, as well as six Edmontonians.

Hinshaw said the mandatory and voluntary restrictions in place now offer Albertans the opportunity to be part of the solution before stronger restrictions are imposed.

Premier Jason Kenney invoked arguments around civil liberties when he rebuked the idea of a lockdown and downplayed the effects of the coronavirus during a news conference Friday.

He said Alberta can “continue to lead the way as the freest province in the country” if the current restrictions are followed.

Hinshaw said she understands people’s fatigue and frustration right now, but urged them to continue taking public health orders seriously.

“If you have not gotten sick and you don’t know anyone who has either, you must do everything possible to keep it that way,” she said.
Outbreak declared at Calgary Drop-In Centre, Alpha House and transitional housing

An outbreak has been declared at Calgary Drop-In Centre after 11 cases have been identified. As well, outbreaks have been declared after two cases were linked to Alpha House and five to one of its transitional housing units.

Offsite testing is being conducted as staff and clients are screened. This is a reflection of greater community transmission, Hinshaw said.

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi said it’s imperative for Calgarians to keep themselves and others safe by following public health measures closely, including the request to refrain from hosting others at home.

“If we can do this through the winter, God willing, there will be a vaccine in the spring and this thing will be in our rear-view mirror. But if we overwhelm the hospitals before then, we have created a lifetime of misery for ourselves,” said Nenshi.

— With files from Madeline Smith

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