Friday, December 11, 2020


A recent poll shows that almost 80% of Canadians are in favour of a wealth tax.

We’ve been advocating for this for a long time. Now with widespread public support and a minority government, this is our moment to make it happen.

Add your name to the petition right now.

Add your name

As I write this, activists across the country are taking part in a Day of Action — a nationwide, virtual phone bank to recruit support for a 1% wealth tax on people making over $20 million. We’re also calling for the government to crack down on tax havens and make web giants like Amazon and Facebook pay their fair share.

Throughout this crisis, most Canadians and small business owners have struggled to get by. At the same time, the very wealthiest have made record profits. Canadian billionaires are $37 billion richer since the COVID-19 lockdown.

It’s not right — but everyday people taking actions like this one can help change course.

Sign the petition to tax the ultra-wealthy:

The pandemic has been devastating for young people, families, and small businesses. Millennials have already lived through a Great Recession in 2008 – and now they’re getting hit again.

It’s a different story for the wealthiest Canadians, who are getting richer. Some wealthy corporations are making record profits because of the pandemic. Canada’s billionaires are $37 billion richer since March 2020.

Successive Liberal and Conservative governments have rigged the system to favour their corporate friends and the very richest elite – and they’ve let the wealthiest avoid paying their fair share of taxes by hiding billions of dollars offshore every year.

The pandemic isn’t over. Families, youth, seniors, our healthcare system, our education system and our economy all need support, and that costs money.

Join Jagmeet Singh and the NDP in our call to have those who profited from the pandemic help pay for the support the rest of us need.

We’re calling on Justin Trudeau and the Liberals to introduce a temporary COVID-19 excess profit tax that at least doubles the tax rate on excess profits, and a 1% wealth tax on people with fortunes over $20 million.

Join our call – add your name now

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