Thursday, December 17, 2020


Tenants Across the Country Announce

They Will Not Leave Their Homes

Amid the Impending Mass Eviction Crisis

WASHINGTON - On Dec 31, the CDC National Eviction Moratorium will expire putting up to 40 million renters at risk of eviction for nonpayment of rent. In response, on December 17th, mothers from across the country who are at risk of eviction will announce that they will not leave their home when eviction protections expire and urge the CDC and in-coming Biden Administration and HUD Secretary-designate Marcia Fudge to take immediate action by extending and expanding the eviction moratorium and rent and mortgage forgiveness. These tenants, supported by CPD Network affiliates and local Eviction Defense networks, will defend their homes through direct action, eviction defense and community support.

“Trump and Republican leaders decided that saving corporate America and lining their pockets is more important than the 286,000 people who lost their lives and the 40 million families who will be forced into homelessness when the eviction moratorium expires,” said Dianne Enriquez, director of campaigns for community dignity at the Center for Popular Democracy. “Our people are dying and we are calling on government officials to step up and put people over profits”

Who: Center for Popular Democracy, Organize Florida, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), CASA, Action North Carolina

What: Families from the CPD Network at risk of eviction will announce that they will not leave their homes when eviction protections expire

When: December 17, 2020

Where: New York, California, Maryland, North Carolina and Florida

RSVP: Please use this link to register for the digital eviction defense rally

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

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