Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Joe Biden Is A ‘Fascist War Criminal Who Should Be In Prison,’ Congressional Candidate Says

Tyler MacDonald

December 28, 2020

Ohio Green Party congressional candidate Joe Manchik took aim at President-elect Joe Biden on Saturday for his role in the United States’ initiation of the Iraq War. His comment was a response to the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which claimed that activists and young voters “made a difference in November” by electing Biden as president.

“Wake up, @BoldProgressive! The FACT is, Joe Biden is a fascist war criminal who should be in prison today for treason instead of The White House, just like Donald Trump,” he tweeted to the political action committee.

Manchik linked to the documentary Wo
rth the Price? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War, which is narrated by Danny Glover. As reported by Democracy Now!, the film was directed by the Center for Economic and Policy Research’s Mark Weisbrot, who focused on Biden’s role in pushing the invasion, which he later apologized for supporting.

Weisbrot stressed Biden’s part in “enabling and allowing and getting the authorization” for the Iraq War through Congress.

“That was a huge role in bringing us this war. It wasn’t just a vote for the war. He was the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. And, you know, when I was going through this footage, it was amazing, all the things that he did. He argued very strongly for the war. He had a lot of influence.”

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