Thursday, December 03, 2020

Nike’s Anti-Racism Ad Provokes Backlash in Japan

Nike store. Shutterstock.

Some Japanese netizens are calling for a Nike boycott after the sportswear giant released its latest campaign on November 30, Reuters reported.

The two-minute ad features three teenage girls, one of them a biracial Japanese schoolgirl, battling discrimination but ultimately motivated by a shared love of sport. Many have shown support for the campaign, which has drawn over 14 million views on Nike Japan’s twitter feed, but some viewers in the country were critical of a global business passing judgement on Japanese social mores.

“I’m tired of companies and celebrities thinking they have some kind of moral platform,” one person commented on local news site SoraNews 24. “Nike, like many clothing companies, uses forced labour in China and other parts of the world. Maybe they should do a commercial about that.”

Nike did not respond to BoF’s immediate request for comment.

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