Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Palestinian child suffers broken jaw while in Israel detention

Palestinian child Mohammad Muqbel was chained to his hospital bed after surgery following a brutal beating by Israel soldiers

December 4, 2020

Palestinian child Mohammad Muqbel can be seen chained to his hospital bed after undergoing surgery following a brutal beating by Israel soldiers, 4 December 2020 [iKhaybar/Twitter]

December 4, 2020 

A Palestinian child detainee underwent surgery yesterday after he was brutally beaten by Israel soldiers, according to the Palestinian Prisoners' Society (PPS).

The 16-year-old from the Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, was hospitalised at the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem after suffering abuse at the hands of Israeli occupation forces while in detention two days ago.

As a result of the beating, Mohammad Muqbel suffered a broken lower jawbone and fractures to his teeth.

His father, Munir Muqbel, confirmed that Mohammad had platinum implanted to treat his left lower jawbone.

He was detained by Israeli forces last week while he was heading to school, reported Wafa news agency. It is unclear why he was detained.

Mohammad currently remains in Hadassah Hospital handcuffed to his bed, suffering from severe pains, following the extension of his detention until Sunday by an Israeli military court.

READ: Israel's detention of Palestinian children amounts to torture, says new report

He has been denied contact with his family.

The Israeli army carries out frequent arrest campaigns across the occupied West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, on the pretext of searching for "wanted" Palestinians.

Children living in occupied East Jerusalem are the most targeted, the PPS said. Many apparently face arrest at least once a month.

Israel is the only country in the world to routinely prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial. Moreover, Palestinian children detained by Israel face abuse and systematic torture, which has been legitimised by the judiciary and government.

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